Techno Thread

As a kick in the ass, I am infact STILL working on it…I just plan on remodelling the bridge…which means I will add more stuff and fix up the solo.
I didn’t fix the solo and the drums mixed well so I’m gonna add something to it.
My criticism for me: 8.9/10

Wow to me it was like a 9.8-10 range…you have impressed me and have given me renewed confindence in you since your last posted songs
I would say that is either better or atleast = with On The Moon…and that is a complement to roast not you cause to be equal with this it has to be REALLY KICKASS!!!

added more I hope people care about my songs im not sure if my last thing was for me or the other guy he didn’t say but added like 5 more sheets(I haven’t posted recently so I want to get back)

Not bad.

Let the mods decide though

lol, no one has posted a reply on this forum for AGES… so I guess i’ll just do one

Just a little short composition I did and I just did this in two minutes since I was bored in school…

By the way, is it bad to post to of the same pieces of music on two entirely different forums?

Meet your match.

Um… big bump for 2 months now?

Bet anyone 5$ this will be ignored.
My techno song in progress.

You owe me $5 because It is not ignored:

I thought it was pretty good. Even though it was short, it felt right.

Still in progress (Ah crap, the unfinished/demos, forgot)

My last 5 post (Except for a topic) been ignored. You know what they say: “Getting five a day keeps being in your mom’s basement a day!”

Roast, if you are reading this, you see what I was talking to you about over Live.

And I don’t have much to say about the song.

I would appreciate it if you unblock communications and accept my friend request >___>

No thanks.
Accepting other friend requests.

Ok, not only am I able to see your friend list… but you took the time to reply to me on a message board but not accept my friend request?

dear unknowned…


kind regards, ashley bas10

post of year

no Roast, that post was helping you so you would be biast towards it. so, you don’t get the vote for post of the year.

Ok, read your post over and think about what you just said.

That’s what I try to tell him on LIVE!
BAM! (That’s short for “Pwned.” Not in a asshole way.)

shut up and get back on topic… the thread police are coming!!!

Does anyone ever use the friends/foes?