Techno Thread

Nebula. My best performance for a techno song.

It’s very good. For future reference, to embed do

Thank you Hypo.

Welcome. New Era Rising (preview)

Ever start a song thinking, “yeah, this is… this is just great,” then by the time you finish it you want to destroy any evidence that could trace it back to you? Not finished. But it’s a fast paced song. Called Inveitable Dipolema. Do not copy.

Hmm, it’s not bad. Can’t wait to see it when it’s finished. done

I gots a techno song =)

I’m going to finish this soon.

The synth comes in too fast. I’d put a few monotone beeps in section 0 or erase about half of the notes from section 1. Also, there’s no need to post the URL if you embed. The View song’s page ! link does that for you.

Woo! 3601th song in the game!!!(Though it’s demo…)

(I do not have much time to log in- I’ve got a sorta busy schedule.)

this is my first techno/trance song called techno mania.

AFly: I think it needs a little more at the end, but all in all, good song.

Redo on The Galaxy- I only added 2 new types of measure and fixed up the Synth#1.

this is a insane song that is sort of techno but has other weirder parts in it and has a insane ending to. 8-)

this is a techno version of He’s a pirate from Pirates of the caribbean.