Techno Thread

This is real.
This is…Reality.

i cant seem to get it to show the song so here is the link
to simple rave

Just type

ohh ok thankyou
i thought it was the whole link thank you and here it is

This my latest song currently

it may not be that good to techno makers

that wasnt very good… the notes were pretty random. the beginning was good…except for 3 and 6. that didnt really fit with the other notes. and the drums in the main part didnt have a rhythm. get a good drum beat and make the other notes fit and you’ve got a hit song :D
sorry if i sounded mean…which i did…so, 8-) sorry

AurouraCirrus: Awesome Song! :D

CarltonCrew- The rave is awesome, but that loud Metal Guitar I hear at the end of some measures seems like the guitar broke. Can ya make it a teensy bit softer? 8-)

WOW. this stuff is good. Im gonna try techno. Yay.

Hi guys. I’m nowhere near Hypo, Carlton or Auroracirrus’s level. But here’s my song anyway.

EDIT: Okay, I got the embed working. Man, that tooltip was misleading…

Hey, What about me? i’m not as high as Hypo but am way higher that Carlton or Auroracirrus! But then again you may not know me well. you must have joined while i was in europe… anyway i forgive you.

Haha, sorry about that, Bron. I just happened to pick some names up from earlier on that page, since those songs really are better than mine. >_>

there are some neat songs in this thread

well, heres my first somewhat techno song…i didn’t know what else it should be in

This is my first try at Techno, and its pretty much the same thing the whole song, but its pretty good, and catchy.

love your song zach

Hey, I lost a song I didn’t post too long ago. I forgot to paste the link and the number. Please look out for High Fiedlity cause I lost it somewhere with the other songs.

If any one sees a song somewhere in the browse section named sprite please let me know!

here’s a song i made and was just messin’ around the gituar makes no sense but i think it gets your attention off of the last part.

Just a fun song i made. it’s based off of the freezepop song “sprite”.

This is my favourite one. I kinda compare and take beats from my techno band I like the most. Daft Punk