Techno Thread

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Screw the video.

Hehe, thanks:P Although the reason the intro part is long is because thats how it usually is in tracks like this. I was planing to make it way longer but like i said i dont know if i will ever manage to finish it. I personally think 27 seconds is too long concidering the track is probably gonna be 3 mins + if i ever finish it

I thought i’d give you guys a little update on my progress:

It’s still not finished

I don’t know about guitarskills, but the drum intro was good enough. It wasn’t too long or too short.It kept me interested for the introduction.
I didn’t like it when you used the snares rising in the scale. They were too quiet, and they didn’t fit.
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but something is off with a part of the acoustic guitar.
Also, when you speed up the snare + bass track, (You know, when the bass is off-beat,) the bass track came too far off beat for a second, then it was good again.

Altogether, it sounds very interesting and I hope to hear it finished.

Thanks alot for the comment! First of all - i have no guitar skills at all, i just put in whatever i think sounds decent:P
Secondly - i dont think i’ll change the drum roll that changes pitch though, since i rather like it. However, i will concider to raise the volume of it, since i do agree the volume on them is a little too low.
Lastly - As the creator of a track it’s easier to ignore stuff that sounds bad, and as souch im not quite sure what your reffering to with the acoustic guitar or the place where the bass is off beat. Can you please pinpoint what’s wrong so i can try and fix it?

Ithink it’s very good, but it seemed to lack a melody until the end. It sounded a lot like you wrote the background and rhythms but left out a main voice. I would add some syth or something at sheet “1” also, just a suggestion (Can’t go wrong with techno and syth together), at the intro, change the sixteenth note on the snare drum to an eighth or quarter (At sheet zero). Overall, it sounds great! With a little more work, it will be a great song.

The drums sound so much different now… I think I was just expecting it to be something a little bit different when I first started to song.

Also, how much do music lessons cost from you?

Haha yes Hellstick tell us some of your secrets. ;]

Just to say Swamp Creatures and Psy Trip are a big inspiration to me, even if I never create anything as good. Thanks!

  1. Hellstick…another EPIC song Can’t wait to hear the rest
  2. Muse…STOP PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN ):<, you have made (in my opinion) one of…no…THE best song here (golden sands cough) and many other great ones

I pretty good amount of us have self esteem issues, it seems :mrgreen:

I know…like has anyone check the last post in my thread lately? whistles

Anyway…it was a great song

First of all, thanks alot! I didnt think anyone would still remember Psy Trip and Swamp creatures at this point - especially not concidering i only have like 10 posts and noone should remember meXD

Either way, as for advice: I dunno really. Just make sure you make music because you want to, and because you find it fun - not because you want people to compliment your work. To recieve compliments is a big motivation, but it shouldnt be the only one.
Also dont be afraid to combine instruments or make one instrument play multiple tones at the same time.
For example: in Get Hammered i used 2 basses. One for the “deep bass-ish” sound, and one for trebble. I also combined multiple kinds of pads/strings at the part with the acoustic guitar.
You should also try to not just make all your instruments have 100% volume. Dont be afraid to use the volume tool to make echo either!
As for the cost: that will be 1000 internetz

The lag of melody untill the end of the track is intentional. Keep in mind that tthis is a work and progress, and the the final piece is likely to be more then 3 mins long (if i ever get around to finish it) And dont worry, i WILL add a synth of some sort… Ill porbably combine it with the guitar i used to play the meoldy in the last couple of sheets:)

Here is an update on the song… I dont know if im satisfied with the climax yet, but whatever, ill think of that later:P

I just realized that i also hit a wrong key in the last sheet, so please ignore that…

Hellstick…Why do you always end your previews HALF way through a section/chorus…it ruins the moment…

Because that was where i was when i got off from work:P I had to upload it like that if i wanted to work on it at home…
I work in a sort of library btw. When there is no costumers i am alowed to do what i want, so i spent some of my time on teh interwebz:P

I remember you and your songs like every day Your songs are (imo) some of the best here,

I recommend no self esteem classes, they suck and are incredibly boring. -.-

Is the nice, like, your signature or something?

It took me forever to figure out what you meant by that XD

I think the nice’s a great (underused) instrument though!