Techno Thread

Thats what she said
It is a nice instrument (get it? XD)

Ladies and Gentleman, after almost two and a half months of nonstop (read:once every month) working, I present to you:
Digital Flying

Yes, that is a totally unneeded, random drum solo. I promised someone (by some one, I mean no one) that I’d keep it in.

Wow that was really good… I’d be proud to have made that.

The only problem is, as much as those synths were epic they were repeated throughout the whole song. You could have added in a little break from them in the middle.

Still really good! Probably my favourite song from you. (Although I’ve only heard like two of your songs).

Yeah, I wanted a bass solo, but I couldn’t think of anything.

If anyone wants to use this beat for their song then please do so.
I only made this short loop because i was bored:P

Sorry for double posting D:
Just wanted to post my update so i dont have to look for it in the “Browse” section when i get home…

I need to work more on the break though. NEEDS MOAR DETAILS TO DA BEATZOR!

I TOLD YOU GS. I told you not that it was too repetitive from the beginning, but you didn’t change it.

Well…that would have to be my favorite techno song…that was just aWesome

Can’t wait till it’s done … so I can feature it.

No way…i’ll beat you to it XD
(you ruined my plan D=<)


Done at last-.-

Edit- Hopefully its fixed now

The only problem with it that I have is that a few times (eg. around measure 309) I hear an unpleasant chord, but other than that …

O.O Unbelievable

Seriously, this is getting on my nerves… Notessimo seems to change certains notes once i upload the songs cause those notes were DEF not there when i pressed “submit”… Let me see if i can fix it…

Yeah, that always happens to me too.

I think i fixed it now…

Yeah I know that happened to a few of my songs too. Your song’s fixed now though.

I can’t listen to it atm cause i have no sound on my school laptop xD But as soon as i get home i will listen…and probably have a heart attack XD
Also…damn you muse…you bet me -.- xD

Here is a free Drum N Bass beat that you’re all more then welcome to use!

Edit- whoops, forgot to post it:P

No one posts Techno.

Because no-one can compete with you.

That was awesome.