The Critisism Thread

This thread is mostly for the purpose of gaining critisism on your less popular songs.

Maybe you think its perfect and want people to just wreck your dreams, or your looking for ways to improve.

Anyways rate 1-10 and criticize at least the 3 songs above yours, and post a song also.

Here is my song

Ooooh i think im going to like this thread, since i would really like to improve!

Okay, that song, no offense i see it maybe as a 4/5 on a good day…
The piano didn’t sound very good, especially the low piano when you made it be in the high notes, and your brass instruments didn’t seemt to blend all that well. If I recall correctly this was supposed to be a lulliby, and it really did make me want to go to sleep, it was pretty boring. The damant and electric piano sounded good and what you started off with could have been worth the 4.74 if you would have kept it that quality.

Okay now im done, here you go, its a higher rated song like sandals is, but still it hasnt attracted a ton of attention so i want to know what im doing wrong (if its the voxs in sheet 8 or the metal guitar riff in like 7 ya ill agree its nothing good…)

Sandal: 4/5, I like the piano bits, well, the grand pianos, that is.
The brass instruments didn’t really fit in though.

Kamarai: 4.9999999999/5, I would give you a 5 but there were a few moments that I didn’t like. One was the vocals, it felt very strange.

BUT. DAT DRUMZ. Mmmmmmmmm.
I also like the effects you’ve done with the Tubular Bells and the Metal Guitar.

Okay, here’s this song, from like a long time ago xD

Its about right at around 4.5, it was repetitive and didn’t change much, but its a short loop so it gains a bit back.
Well thats the only song i want critism on… so uh act like thats here again :twisted:
(since i can’t change and share right now :twisted: … its saying 0 (-2 is when you reached your limit right??) or else i would put a changed version of Endless Snowflakes to see if there is anything else other than anything else (this is just with the hi hat changes… not my Live version) but i guess not today :twisted: )

Finally… a thread where the criticism:songs ratio isn’t in the negatives.

As for Octoviators song… 3 word: Angels and Airwaves. I don’t really know why your song reminded me so much of something they would write (Which btw is totally not an insult since how fucking awesome Angels and Airwaves are). My guess is because of the eerie qualities and the shit ton of unnecessary layers it just gave off that “HOLY FUCK IM HIGH” effect.

At first, the riff didn’t click with me but for whatever reason 30 seconds later it seemed perfect. I don’t know. It just goes on and off. Not a single riff on notessimo made me question my musical preferences more than that simple echoey riff. Trippy ass drums btw.

Your song gets Roastmasters’ seal of a approval. 4.5/5. Extra .5 for making me nostalgiagasm about how I used to listening to AaA.


but srsly guiess. stop making these threads on on FUCKING FRIDAYS THE DAY AFTER I UPDATE THE LIST

Sandal = Good song, nice and relaxing, liked the melodies, could have had more effects thrown in. 7.5/10
Octo = I’m not good at listening to rock, but it had great rhythm (not sure what that means) and I thought the drums were very good. It was quite short though. 8/10
Roast = Wow, your song was excellent! The guitar was amazing. 9/10

I dunno what my song will be. chooses random song from list

Well muse, I did like that song, but the drums really ruined it for me. It had a good rhythm and a decent listen-to value, but the drums and that ending blew it.

I rated 4. :twisted:

Anyways I believe this song deserves a second chance:

I think this thread is an awesome idea, i really need to improve my songs and no-one ever gives me feedback on my thread


  1. at certain parts of the song, it was a bit monotone, perhaps it could’ve gone down a bit then back up?
  2. the solo almost scared me oO, maybe a tad out of no-where
  3. the ending was a little dodgy…
    Otherwise it was a great song (for those who are into techno etc that is)

My song: Heartbeat 2
I never really got much feedback for this song, i’m really interested to know what people think…

QVX: 3.5.

The Damant Spectrum sound awkward as the rest of the guitars felt weird.
You also introduced the Fender Strat awkwardly with a solo [but an awesome solo]. It felt like it came out of nowhere.
I liked sheet 25 & 26 but it felt different from the original feeling of the sheets before and after.

i couldn’t really think of a way to introduce the solo without being too awkward…
and i completely agree with the 25 and 26…but it was kinda meant to be like a breakdown kinda thing
and the Damant Spectrum was there mainly cause i was trying to make it similar to the first…

since you didn’t post a song, ill assume it was still the last one…
It was a great song, yet it seemed to lack variation
-Great drum beat
-Nice effects with the guitars/bass
-Perhaps add more variation/depth into it…

Now, this next song is not finished and it turned out really weird at the start…
I’m looking for some suggestions for an alternate start (cause the end bit sounds pretty awesome )

Star: 4.5/5
Sure the song itself was absolutely amazing and so was its effects,
the transitions were awkward at a few moments and could’ve used a bit of volume control.

QVX: 3.5/5
Okay, the two guitar sounded like random notes but still legit in a way,
the drums seemed also a bit weird.


Oh Octo, that song has no place here. It’s so absolutely epic it doesn’t need to be critiqued. It has great effects and this whole mood that makes it a scary song, which is perfect. Personally I think it was a great song.

I needz criticism like you did with Singularity.
You know…

@Octo: Hope this helps:

Okay your song was fun to listen to. It had a lot of neat little effects that kept you attentive and entertained, such as the tubular bells.

Going in order of the song, the intro was good. If the sheet hadn’t glitched, it probably would have sounded better, but oh well. My only qualm is that the intro is a little too short and you didn’t really progress the song enough for sheet 3.

Moving on, I really didn’t like the drumming. Without coming off as someone who is impossible to impress, the drums were unfitting. Personally I love drumming and it’s unique aspect in a song, it really should fit the song as well as possible. That drumming felt too rock-ish.

I really approved of your use of the damant spectrum in the song, it was unexpected and yet it still fit fairly well. Now, the synth vox is great for these songs, I can’t wait to hear someone do a song with that vox and it be happy. Nonetheless, it was a great addition and my favorite sheet (13) was spawned by it. Lurve that sheet.

Okay you had a solo for both the damant and the piano. I prefer the piano solo up to the point were it just follows that main arpeggio set by the synth. Before that part however, the piano was great. I also did like the damant spectrum solo, when it was completely alone with just drums. My problem with that was that it was maybe it was repeated too many times earlier.

The last thing to touch on is the ending. I thought it was rather slow, but it would have been cooler if you had progressively made it slow down, rather than just leaving it at 200 bpms. Suffice to say, it was boring. Not a song ruiner though.

Overall, it was a good piece. I rated 4, as per normal.

Also: Just spamming this to get views and critique because no one has even listened to it yet:

Star: wtfsexysongrightthere

Okay, so what I liked the best from your song is the amazing transitions. Either where you introduce the main chorus or introducing new insruments, it was pretty much flawless for me. What I loved the most from it are the sheets like sheet 16-18, those pauses are just filling a void, THEN BAM.

The piano and vibraphone added a nice little positive plus to the song, it felt so happy. And the piano and guitar solos? HAPPINESS AND JOY SO BIG THAT IT GAVE ME A BO-- SMILE.

The song itself has some nice effects, starting with those little space thingies. At first, I did get kinda annoyed with them, but it IS a space song, it turned out to be a very nice addition to the song. But the Synthesizer fading into the piano and vibraphone introduction was amazing.

4.3/5 I’m doing it wrong :[

So, this song happens to be my favorite of all I have created [nolie].

Oh, and I’m continuing it, sorry if we’re not allowed to post unfinished stuff >.<


As for your song, I liked it because it had odd chords, refreshing after seeing how often people just use regular chords. I also loved that drumming! The first time the guitar takes a break in the chorus, that high-hat was just amazing. The transition back to chorus was good as well. There aren’t too many problems so far, it looks to be fine song.

Starwars, that was kick-ass. The voice and synth blended really well. However, I would have liked less “Peeeeeew, peeeeeeew” from the space sound. 4.9.
Octo, that was pretty good. The only problems I had is it wasn’t finished at the Orchestra hit thing was out of tune. 4.5

Alright, I know of one person who has told me about this song. Some of you may know it as my holy grail, however most of you I assume haven’t heard it.


Hmm…The problem with that song is that it feels too slow. Funnily enough it also seems to end too soon. After experimenting, I found that sheet 11 sounds amazing at 180 bpm. Whether you should change it was up to you, because it was epic and totally unfitting at the same time. What I think you should have done is kept that transition and continued the song for another minute or so, just so that sheet 11 doesn’t seem so alone.

I liked how it was in 3/4 time. We don’t really have enough of those.

I don’t want to go into one of my regular reviews, so I’ll just leave you with my rating. I think it still deserves a 3.8. Mostly because you had a really good sound through-out the piece, and I loved both the guitar and trumpet solos. Because they added excitement to an otherwise unexciting song.

Disclaimer: You asked for critique, and I gave you a fair and honest review. If you are unhappy with it or offended by it, that was not my intention.

I think that this is my favorite thread now. Naturally.

Alright, sorry to hear that, but yes. I love sheets 10 and eleven, how it builds up, and I hated that it ends there, but I simply can’t find what else to do with it.

I think I’m entitled to one more review. This one isn’t finished yet, so directions in which to go with it would be nice.

Okay I rate a 4.5/5
That was an awesome strat riff and I liked it!
But the bass drums in the beginning really distracted me from the rest and was VERY annoying to me.
That drumline later in the song was awesome, and it didn’t distract me like the bass drum did
That metal guitar was very boring, CHANGE IT UP
it didnt change very much so i got bored with the song quick

Heres what ive got

same situation as you- Unfinished, wondering what to do next…