The "My pineapple!" game

I sneak behind you and snap your neck. MGS reference I take the pineapple out of your holster as you collapse.

I take you’re game references and hit you over the head with them, and steal the pineapple while you are recovering.

I take your grammar errors and hit you with them, and steal the pineapple as you flail to the ground.

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the pineapple pees on you… BAD PINEAPPLE, I take the pineapple and put a diaper on it…

I recover from my stun and get a Contested Kill on you. I take the pineapple and flee to the rooftops.

i jump out a helicopter before you. i ask for the pineapple. you say, ‘sure, carrot.!’ i have the pineapple. then you say, ‘JUST KIDDING.’ you roundhouse kick me in the face then it’s A FRENZY. i win the battle, then i go home and enjoy the pineapple. then i buy a new pineapple, to be fair, then i pass it off to… (whoever posts next)

Me. And I hire a hippy who tells everyone that fighting is bad, especially over a stupid pineapple…

The hippie sets himself on fire brohoofs carrot. I take the pineapple and create a decoy

I toss a pyrite bomb at you, attracting several nearby civilians. You are stampeded by the money-hungry citizens, quickly losing grip of the pineapple and accidentally tossing it to me.

I hit you in the head with one of the civilians’s purses, grab the pinapple, and send it to a museum in Hong Kong.

I abseil into the museum and steal the pineapple. I have it transported to a top secret safe in [classified].

You don’t see where your going and you fall into the ocean! the pineapple is heavy causing you the drop deep into the bottom of the ocean, Nuse is now in Rapture, he lets go of the pineapple sending it into my hands, Nuse floats to the surface, Now I has pineappleh.

A Little Sister takes the pineapple from you and you chase after her. You bump into Big Daddy and end up having to fight him, delaying your chase. I take the pineapple from the Little Sister and flee Rapture in a submarine.

Nuse’s drowned carcass floats to the surface, the little sister discovers it and shows it to Ace. Ace eats Nuse’s carcass, (Because he was hungry) and Nuse get’s reincarnated as a pineapple, which I stole by brainwashing you with the words: Would You Kindly,

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Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?Would you Kindly?.. … … … . . . . … … . . . . … … … . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . . . . . … . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …

and you faint from ALL those times I said that to you. mmmmBYE! swims off with the pineapple

A shark comes and eats you up. in the process of being eaten, you throw the pineapple to shore, where i’m laying in the sand.

I escape the shark and sneak behind you and BACKSTAB YOU! Counter Strike style. You lay in the sand with blood, splurting out your body. You are… Dead. mmmmMMMMM’BYE!

You forget about the pineapple and I take it while you swim away. I hide in the palm forests.

I easily find the pineapple by sending in my troop of llamas and cats with bread. They surround it and wait for anyone to attempt to steal it.

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I’m somehow where you are and I point to the left, you look over to the left and I take the pineapple c:

I pop out from a large bush nearby and stab you with my hidden blade as I pull you in. I emerge with the pineapple.