I’m going to retract my statement saying “the system is working.”

-Thread isn’t getting updated consistently (Test of Time was nominated 4 days ago, still not on poll)
-People are not revoting

Can songs still be nominated? .3.

Of course.

Maybe this should be posted in a different place other than the forums. Maybe the front page or something so that everybody can see it? Apparently only 17 members have voted, which is obviously not enough.

Hmm, I have to agree. The system just doesn’t seem to work. I wonder if we could merge the system with the old one, that is to say, have a new thread every month for voting, simply without the “only the highest voted song gets featured” rule.

The thread would work like this:
All the nominated songs from the previous month would be added to a poll all at the same time (seems that is a better way to ensure consistent voting across all the songs). At the same time, the thread itself would serve as a nomination thread for next month’s poll. Songs would only have one option (themselves), and you’d only pick songs you want featured. A threshold would be established, and each month, songs that achieve enough votes total would be featured. You could vote on as many songs as you want, or not vote at all, and there’s no real math needed there.

I’d personally still like maybe a separate thread for songs that were made a while back but weren’t featured to be voted upon, but maybe that’s just wishful thinking on my part. In any case, I’m sorry I haven’t been active enough to track the thread’s progress myself and update it as well. What do you guys think of this? I do very much like the idea Kryptic had about using the front page to host the voting, as more people would see it. Thoughts?


I think that’d definitely be a good idea, worth a try at least.

The downvoting option keeps it in check. Keep that option.
Also, you shouldn’t limit the thread to just songs in that month, so old songs have a chance.
While the front page seems like a good idea, I’d personally prefer it in a thread like this because some people merely browse the features, and likely will not listen to the nominations. Perhaps a judging committee of some sorts, like the way features used to occur with mods?

I wanna nominate dis :3

In every cloud…

In my opinion the old system worked fine. If changes do need to be made let it be this: If you are a mod, and you find a song that you think is feature worthy, then feature it. If you are in doubt, or want to make sure you don’t make a hasty decision you should ask the community if they agree. The community can then speak for or against the song - preferably using reasoning rather than a simple yes or no. If they think the song is indeed feature worthy the mod can safely go ahead and feature it. If they deem it unworthy, the mod should reconcider and probably not feature the song.
Much in the same manner, if a user finds a song he or she thinks is feature worthy, ask in this thread and see if people agree. If they do agree then have a mod feature it. If not, let it be.

There has been made many great songs - some more feature worthy than others - but if a song is truly and undoubtedly feature worthy, I don’t see why we should have to wait for the entire community’s acceptance before featuring the song.


After all the discussion that has gone on about featuring songs, I’ve felt it necessary to lock this thread and un-pin it, pending deletion if other mods agree.

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