The new player


Let me restrain derailing the thread.

Well… like Aliens said: there is a glitch which earrapes me, so he is right!

That glitch should be restrained!

There’s also a glitch how the notes overlap the music. I pause and play it again and it works fin.

I still get an earrape, there is a feedback!

Just… WHAT?!

The Guitar Electric sounds a little out of tune in the bass clef and below.

Yeah, and so does the synth trumpet.

Both True, the Electric Guitar is whining in the bass clef!

& The Synth Trumpet of course sounds out of tune.

(I still get an earrape.)

Guys. It’s not like the new player is making the instruments bad. It’s because it’s sound is set to Best, but the old player is set to High.

OMG, listen to the Vibraphone #1!

It sounds terrible below the bass clef. :frowning:

It sounds exactly the same on the old player. It does not sound horrendous.


Wrong, the “best” samples are slightly different than the new samples. If the best samples were the same as the new player, then the best samples would be out of tune (which they aren’t).

In order to fix the Acoustic Guitar #1, it needs to have it’s pitch lowered by .75 semitones. This has been proven by layering the entire scale of Acoustic Guitar #1 over Grand Piano #1.

P.S. Sorry to double post, but this was important.

Pitch in notessimo is adjusted by altering the speed at which the sound is played. This is the same way the Playsound command in minecraft changes a sound’s “pitch” :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sheet number display.

I believe it’s trying to match the tempo of sheet 0.

Can’t do that because of the way you can have 2+ sheets playing at the same time in v3.


maybe adding the sheet numbers in the player might fix this. IDK

Sometimes i listen to a song, i still get an earrape.

There must be a bad connection somewhere. :angry: