@ TFB: wait… restrictions??
Also no one was really rushing you, so blaming others for your own “mistakes” isnt going to help them one bit. but I see nothing wrong with your plan really, we just pass the song around and it gets finished. thats all I care about

@Star: I said it was bad mainly because the transition was a bit bad sounding to me, but now that I look back it was okay.


That’s definitely not rushing me in any way.

Star, your turn. Please name the song The Notessimo Song (By) Notessimo users

By the way, I’ll go next. I’ve decided to move Nuse to the last spot. Darkdan will be in the first.

NO I’m next

Seriously i already started.

Stop messing up the list!

EDITl: Oh sorry, didn’t see your above post. You’ll be after me then?

Yes, after you. (Haha, you couldn’t read it correctly…)

Note: After my turn, a time limit will be added. Poll.

Second Note: Time limits will only occur from 6 A.M. Eastern to 12 P.M. Eastern

Isn’t this just “Pass it On” with strict rules?

Actually I figured this out while I was editing my part. You switched keys (whether knowingly I don’t know), which is quite a major change.

For any future editors: The base key is F minor. Ab, Bb, Eb and Db are the only flats.

Funny how each edit is completely different from the last. Can’t believe the direction this song has taken so far. Oh, and I’m not sure about my drumming…feels too brash.

You sure about that? The three people I was most worried about taking a long time (Me, DD12 and Octo) got done rather fast. If a certain person is taking too long, you could always send a pm about it.

I think my title is better…

_> You shouldn’t double post so much. And before you call me a hypocrite any double post that contains a new song is acceptable.

listens to song

hopes Kamarai doesn’t ruin it D:

sigh i’ll think of something…

looks at poll



I’m sorry guys and i’m gone for like one day and this comes up?
WTF MAN! I can’t work with that… if i’m pressed for time i definitely won’t come up with something as quality!

If we have a time limit I might as well be out… cause 1 rule i’ve learned for collabs you




ever ever


I forsee a huge drop in quality, it does no matter what… and the quality drops just because you sorta run out of ideas and you want to get it to the other person cause their waiting…

Please tell me i’m wrong and this isn’t a time limit for how long you have to make the song and just if you don’t take your turn and you have unlimited!


What if DD or Star or Nuse or EVEN YOU TFB have to leave for a day? HMMM what then guys? You completely miss your turn then! And then lets say you get it done but you have to leave and don’t get it posted… bam then that may cause a bit of confusion to the system cause the person who had it next already started maybe…

I leave confused, yet i vent my frustration with this system… and again confused… wth is this group thing too… ill edit after i figure out a bit more from reading

SOMEBODY please null and void all i said and tell me im 100% wrong… cause thats WHAT I WANT TO HEAR! or else my worst fears are confirmed

if i am wrong ill just erase it all and put something nice up… like a smiley or something and tell how epic that sounded star :D

-------I LEAVE THIS LINE HERE FOR AFTER I READ! just so it distinguishes it more… and i feel like making a line…----------------------yah…–

EDIT: all i had to do is read the poll… if unlimited or like 1 or 2 weeks or heck EVEN groups to check each other or something… something to make sure atleast I don’t ruin the whole thing… then i’m out cause I DON’T want to destroy something this epic… it will be like me on derp… just a bit of copying and adding basically NOTHING to the song… I HATE DOING THAT! but when I’m collabing with something so awesome… its what happens D:

I hesitated even to ask when i saw what the song was on the post, but I decided it won’t be that hard right?

2 days later… listens to song cries because I know i’m gonna have to add something sooner or later D:

I agree with Kam. This is going to go downhill really fast.

Wow. Never thought you had it in you to rant Kamarai.

And this is why I don’t do collabs.

I do rant every once in awhile… come on… i know you’ve seen me rant before, just its normally not on anything this big lol.
(see my thread… i’ve had to rant there and in my old thread, cause if i don’t i get 5 pages of “arguing about music theory” that if i read it all i get a headache lol

Sees GS’s post

wait for it

just a second


GS do a collab! You learn more and get better songs out of a two man team.


Last Bastion
Industrial Revolution
To Eloquently … blah blah blah

That was only the ones I DARED TO SAY!

Collabs change you for the better!
Just if you don’t find that person who mixes well with your style or a person who can change to fit the other person’s style, it goes downhill fast!

I guess you could sorta say its like dating :D (but just not luvy duvy… unless your with fire)

Well that last line wasn’t awkward at all!

2 people asked you if we can start. simple response: not yet.

TFB you need to stop overdramaticizing things. Its’ getting quite annoying, I mean come on, if youre going to volunteer to be a leader for something like this, you need to have the guts to say something like “wait.” If you don’t, this isnt the kind of thing for you. This is running smoothly right now, so leave it be. unlimited time ftw.

P.S. again, stop blaming your mistakes and decisions on others. If you did something (like comment) then it’s your own fault. You cant go saying that it’s someone elses. No one was holding a gun to your head, no one was threatening your life or you at all, so yeah. Think before you do things and you won’t have the need to blame anyone… or yourself.

What about there is no list, and if someone wants to add to the song they post in the thread? There will be no time limit try to do it within a week.

Just cross me off the list with that well thought idea

Also, collabs are basically what made me better…
Revocation of self: My drumming became twice as good.
…ok ill say it…you saw that drum solo in my drumming thread? I thank ‘the person that collab is with’ for that…if it weren’t for that collab i’d still be only using toms for solos (derp)

All in all i have learnt a variety of skills/styles from a wide range of composers (Muselline, ixsetf, Karo etc. (those 3 there specialize in completely different genres…)
So yeah…collabs are epic…

Now THAT, people is a good idea
only problem that may occur is that people either hog it (doubt it) or some people will keep thinking they can’t add anything…and before they know it the song is done…