Okay, but don’t bother me if it’s someone’s turn and their gone for a week. Time limit is gone.
Oh, this is a coincidence, only for a short time. I can’t start work on this song for a few hours, since I have to go to band in about thirty minutes and I need to prepare. I’ll be gone from 1 P.M. to 6 P.M. Eastern. Once I get back, I’ll probably start doing some major editings to the song. A lot of things aren’t sounding good. Mainly transitions. I’ll still add stuff on.

See you at 6 Eastern then. Log Off

Oh the irony, but I hope that helps prove my point TFB.

Also, lolwut? I can see the transitions for sure… they could need some work, but they are far from the way you’re making it sound lol.
again is in suspense for what im going to have to do on my turn

P.S. im sorry if i sound like im gloating or something like that, i’m not meaning too. My actual tone is way different than what is probably portrayed by my words


I agree with Kam lol its not THAT bad (and also that my tone is a lot different than you’d think irl xD) The only transition that wasn’t great was mine, and its acceptable, no editing need be done, so spare yourself the effort because it’s not really worth it, we’d rather see you put all of your skill into your own transition and continuation rather than have it spread out about the song and possibly affecting your creativity. Also you don’t need to be so critical on others, remember that no one here is the best, and you aren’t as good as you might think you are

Don’t take offense to what I say to you just btw xp

Anyways. I’m back. I’ll go to work on it. I’ll still edit it a bit, but I’ll add on too. Now, time to work…

not neccesarily what I meant, but okay. replace good with intelligent. there.

Took a different approach at it…
And DarkDan, do you mean Musically intelligent?

It is Kamarai’s turn.

The song sounds just horrible, sorry. :[

yeah that last sheet was just… not good. but edits can be made! (i.e. take that part out) but whatever. Also I’m just going to drop the thing between me and tfb its pointless.


Also, TFB (sorry for the double post) but I need to make another point


no, no, no, NO, NO, NONO

The unlimited time limit and all that, is so you can make a quality song!
I know you have talent! DD is definitely NOT talking about your musical talent! You are a good composer, i rank you fairly high, just your not good at writing a melody… meaning the main part is sorta wierd okay… thats all, but it just messes with most of us

But you don’t just go and add 3 sheets to a song of this calibur…


You pour your heart and soul into your 10 second part of the song!

Look at everybody else’s parts so far, does it look like they added that much? I don’t think so, they put some of the beastliest work i’ve seen into there 5-10 second area!

I myself would rather just say “skip me” before i post something like you did!
THIS IS MEANT TO REPRESENT NOTESSIMO! Mediocre work won’t cut it! So believe in yourself, and actually give a crap about what you started!

-----End Rant-----

MEANING: TFB… you can try again if you want… i’m fine with postponing my turn rofl

but i guess ill start just in case you don’t want to

Also just so you know, i probably won’t have my part done for quite awhile… cause of my stupid limited interwebz D:
So don’t expect it by tommorrow whoever happens to be next (You don’t want it that early i would hope anyway)



I believe that your part Star fixed Dan and I’s mistake. :D

Oh and by the way, the time where we expect a good effort from each Notessiman is NOT a time to try “a different approach”.

@Octo: Okay, then if I don’t try one, I’ll end up adding something someone else made, and just edit it to make another part of the song.

@Kam: Hey, I tried my best in the time I had. I had about one hour to fulfill what I had to do. If you don’t like it, delete it. I don’t have even CLOSE to any musical talent the guys in this forum do. If I ranked myself, I’d be the lowest of all the users who make songs we listen to for enjoyment. Everyone who makes good songs is better than me. It’s just a fact. Delete it and go on. If you want me out of this collab, just say it yourself.

@Star: Hehe…I didn’t look up what Flats are F Minor, so I just guessed…and made some occidentals.

you had unlimited time… you didnt only have an hour >_<

I had to get off at 7 P.M. Eastern. My dad said so. And I couldn’t have done it much later, cause now I have to get off…again…

you couldve waited, again unlimited time :3

We would have waited longer than a week to finish. It’s not like Notessimo is going away (JINXED IT), And collabs aren’t supposed to be finished in 1 week.