January 19th, 2009
The Sandy Witches are officially done. The last remaining member of the Sandy Witches, fishrocker, has left the the Sandy Witches. He is leaving forever and will not return. “I’m leaving forever and I won’t return,” he says. This topic can be locked if the mods feel like it needs to be locked.
January 16th, 2009
JMan1293 (Jan) has officially renamed the Banjo Dating Society, a club devoted to bring threads back on topic, to the Thread-On Topic Society, also known as TOTS. Jan and his fellow TOTS members are planning to bring threads on back on topic. That is all.
January 15th, 2009
One of the Sandy Witches has devoted himself to being good . JMan1293 aka Jan. He has posted on thread about his return to the good side. Because Jan made the worst decision of his life by leaving the Sandy Wicthes, I decided to call his little club the Banjo Dating Society. Anyone willing to join him will become Banjo Daters (or at least an enemy of the Sandy Witches).The whereabouts of Kd and fishrocker are currnetly unknown. They were last seen in the local deli purchasing some sandwiches.
January 10th, 2009
Click here
A new member of the Sandy Witches is lurking among us. He is none other than the notorious fishrocker. He is believed to be swimming right now, but nobody is sure. If anybody has info on where fishrocker is swimming, please contact me (fishrocker) via PM.
January 9th, 2009
I started my day like I do every day. Get up, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast , brush my teeth, pack my lunch, leave for school, carry on in school, come home, and go on Notessimo
, in that order. I was innocently browsing through the forums to find not one, not two, but three , count 'em three topics were off-topic
because of the criminal ways of KdIuLdLeA and JMan1293. I was shocked
I started to look into why these two had committed such crimes. It turns out the DarkDan12 is behind all of this.
It was a Wednesday, after I finished my daily 27 mile swim in the river, that I noticed the three of them mumbling in a corner. I decided not to get involved. So I didn’t, until now! I made my way towards the local Wal-Mart to grab some stuff, and I saw them again! They were buying something—chocolate bars!!! I wandered towards DarkDan12’s house to find him talking to Kd and JMan about the “plan” that was to be executed the day after Thursday. That plan was to make threads go off-topic.
The group is called “The Sandy Witches” and they have attacked three threads. Word is they already targeted this thread. So if anybody has any information about the whereabouts of The Sandy Witches, please contact me via PM.