I dont hate you, you just have writers block, everyone gets it.
Loved the new song. I thought my speakers were screwing up at the start because the volume on the metal was changing, but I guess that was part of the song
Nice song, Unknowned.
That was probably your best song in a long time. Must I stress the fact I hate electronic with a passion?
Why? :((((
I believe electronic isn’t even music. Theres just no base to electronic music… where the hell did it originate from? When music was first introduced to society, do you think they intended for it to sound like electronic music? Rock came from the blues, and the blues came from jazz. Pop came from Hip-hop, hip-hip came from rap and rap originated around the same time and place blues did. A human child without a human mother is not human, therefor I will shall conclude that electronic is not music because there is no birth mother of electronic music.
How is electronic not music. According to Wikipedia, “Music is an art form whose medium is sound. Common elements of music are pitch (which governs melody and harmony), rhythm (and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture.” Electronic has these qualities, therefore, it is music.
And just because a new genre of music emerges without originating from an existing genre, doesn’t mean you can disregard it as “music.”
Based on your logic, Baroque is music because it originated from Renaissance music, Renaissance is music because it originated from Medieval music and Medieval is NOT music because it originated from fuck knows where.
Sorry for derailing our oh so very important debate on electronic music (or what ever you call it ), but how do you hyperlink?
Derailing forgiven. Electronic abouts not being music unforgiven.
Or you could just type the web address out. The URL thing is unnecessary.
This is not da HTML board. Gah…
NEW SONG! Concert Halls! Not the best but still enjoyable…gets repetative…but still…I was in a rush…don’t criticize on my hastiness!
This is what I mean.
Instead of releasing a average normal piece of crap every 2 minutes, release a good/awesome piece of crap every 6 minutes. Not saying this song is a piece of crap, what I am saying is that piece of crap should be known as a mass noun.
…don’t criticize on my hastiness!
Instead of releasing a average normal piece of crap every 2 minutes, release a good/awesome piece of crap every 6 minutes.
Ok, the reason why I criticized your hastiness is because everything that went wrong in that song all points to the amount of time you actually spent trying to perfect it, which is, if your don’t know, VERY VERY LITTLE.