Yeah… Guess it has just been a while. xP
I am completely STOKED for COD Black OPS. Gonna be AWESOME!!!
dang it, The new Golden Eye isn’t being made by Rare
Pre-ordered the Legendary Editon of Reach…my friend got it so…I follow in his gaming footsteps…
Games suck nowadays.
Amen. Any game on the N64 and earlier are the best.
Agreed. But only because of the mentality of those gamers versus the gamers of our age.
which is " Omg only FPS games about war are cool, everything else is gay and sucks monkey balls"
We can all agree that the Sonic games nowadays are complete shit.
The best were Sonic the Hedgehog (199X) to Sonic Adventure Battle 2.
Wow! It takes place in the same time as Earthbound!?!
I agree 103%. I loved SAB2, I would spend countless hours on it trying to raise my Chao to be the best. XD
The N64 had great games, but you cannot disagree with the fact that the 360 has changed the way we look at video games.

The N64 had great games, but you cannot disagree with the fact that the 360 has changed the way we look at video games.
But it was changed in a bad way. Thanks to the 360 and the PS3, All anyone cares about is graphics.
Yup, silly fan boys arguing over which of the two systems is better, when all they talk about are graphics. That should be the last thing anyone worries about when arguing about a video game. Look at Megaman 10 for example, Capcom released it this year for the current gen systems, they have the old 8 bit graphics and it’s amazing!

which is “Omg only FPS games about war are cool, everything else is gay and sucks monkey balls”
[rant/]Oh there’s a whole lot more.
“Graphics have to be FTW or else the game is crap. Therefore the Wii, fielded by Nintendo, the only company dedicated to video games solely and probably the best before this generation, has no shot whatsoever.”
“That guy killed me? Oh he must have no life. Haha that guy I just killed is a noob.” (The mentality that anyone above you has no life and anyone under you is a noob).
“Oh I suck at this game, so instead of trying out a new game or practicing, I’ll just buy a hack and ruin the game for everyone else. Who needs skills?”
“Anyone who uses an innovative strategy is a noob because pros limit themselves” (Because of this, I love to get the best weapons and gear available to me. Everyone else is going to be limiting themselves, why should I?)
There are more but these are the main ones.
And sorry Musicman but i can’t support you. Mostly because you said “The 360 has changed the way we look at video games.”
In short, about 80% of today’s youth is messed up. I shudder to think of a time when our country is controlled by one of us. I bet that whoever that person is will somehow come up with something 100 times worse then the mosque at ground zero.[/rant]
Wow, that was basically all my thoughts about current gen gaming all in one post.

“Graphics have to be FTW or else the game is crap. Therefore the Wii, fielded by Nintendo, the only company dedicated to video games solely and probably the best before this generation, has no shot whatsoever.”
I love the irony when people say that because the Wii is the best selling and, in my opinion, the best system out of all three.
Sure PS3 and 360 have online play and achievements and whatnot, but that doesn’t make a game. I’m starting to hate the achievement thing, sure some of them are nice to work towards and they give you something else to do after you finish a game, but with a few that are just insanely impossible it ruins the game for me. For example, in Final Fantasy 13 I have a trophy to earn “Fully upgrade everyone’s crystarium”, I’ve been playing for well over 100 hours and only 4 of the 6 have been maxed out, it’s a pain in the ass since CP points are hard to come by now. Oh, and another one “Hold every weapon and accessory (not at once)”, is another frustrating one because in order to get everyone’s best weapon, I need a transformer that costs 2,000,000 gil each, and gil is incredibly hard to come across as it is. deep breath Ok… I’m done, sorry if I threw the topic off even more, had to get the rant out there while we’re on the subject. (Wait, we weren’t on the subject… I changed it… oh well, we’re there now. XD)
the main reason(s) I wanted the xbox360 was for FF13, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata (still working on cash for this one), and etc. You can see where Im going with this, I really like rpgs, they are my favorite category, mainly because you can spend countless hours, days, and so on playing the game and still enjoy yourself. And any retard who says the wii has bad graphics obviously havent picked up their copies of Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2.
I agree with Kd, the Wii is my favorite out of the three, mainly because, nintendo has the capability to take leaps and make huge differentialities, or make small minor tweaks to a usual style of a running franchises gameplay (I know the way I’m explaining this is a little unorganized, but bear with me) and still manage to be well recepted, unlike Sega, which seems to be losing a lot of credibility, at least in the sonic area. The last sonic game I bought was on the Wii (seven rings I believe the title was) and It was Ok, but that was the last ok sonic game. As Unknowned said, SAB2 was the last Sonic game that was pretty great, 7 rings wasmerely the last ok one. Im gonna stop talking now because Ive said enough
It’s funny because they had a Halo game for nintendo in dev. but things fell apart. Bad graphics… HA!
and also, the mosque wasn’t his idea. It’s a privately funded thing and it’s not really his place to say no. It’s more of the City and the people.
What are bad graphics? I’ve never noticed the line bertwwen good or bad. The only time I’ve ever noticed the bad graphics is when it interferes with gameplay coughDwarf Fortress cough