just finished my first song, “Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Opening Theme”
Great job REA!
Thanx! i found it partially finished in my cache and decided to finish it.
it’s been a long time since i’ve been here, but that was because notessimo wasnt working for me. it works now, and I don’t know if I should post my really long SM64 medley (WIP) here or make my own thread.
Or you could put it/them in the Super Mario thread
And REA could put its song in the zelda fans thread
and I could put this post in a “Pointless Posts” Thread, but I didn’t did I? lol
There should eb a thread for mods to move posts to in order to show
new people what NOT to do on this forum
WARNING pointless post
last time i tried to move some posts, they thread got put into the hadron collider.
Hey guys, haven’t seen ya for a while. Summer vacation shall begin for me this week, so I be able to actually pump out songs on a (semi)regular basis. Right here, I have Metallic Madness from Sonic CD, which in my opinion, the best song in the game. Enjoy!
YAAAAAAAY!!!1! thats great, Im already out of school =3 let the maad faces begin
…holy shit Dr., that was incredible! One of my favorite songes from that game. I honestly thought it came right out of the game.
I have to restart my piano medley (shown in SMB thread) since everything has to be an octave down, but I got something everyone who has/had a gamecube will remember.
Hey everybody!
(My First Post BTW)
Decided to post what is made (so far) of my first song?
That was awesome for your first song! Really liked it!
Wow, first song you say? You seem to be a natural at this! It was great
First song!!! Holy crap…
Finished! (If you want it to loop well, remove sheet 0)
(Thanks to vgmusic for midi file) (http://vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/gba/index-gr.html)
P.S. Thx for positive comments? =D
Your Golden Sun song was fricken awesome! Great job
And the Kirby one, I lol’d, also good