Vidya Games

I have just finished a song, my first song in fact. And if im wrong you can move or delete post. This is from a game called Advanced Wars and can be played on piano. In fact I have real sheetmusic for this if needed. (Send PM) Ok so I cheated sue me.

You need mod permission before you can make your own thread. Also, you need at least 5 songs… sorry

i am sorry but… GOD FUCKING DAMMIT! what is with all of these fucking jackasses joining but then not reading announcments or rules!!! I am so frickin pissed off, 3 in a week? SERIOUSLY get your act together! I know youre not (completely) retarted! i am running out of fluff and mercy…

Agreed…this “my songs thread” thing is starting to become a problem…I mean c’mon, reading the Forum Rules isn’t as difficult as taking a crap while doing a handstand.
Are the new users illiterate? I don’t think so…

Look everywhere and you’ll find me gettin’ stressed about this!


meh, tantrum over

one of personal favs, It’s a F-F-Fire!

I guess Ill wait until I have enough songs to start the thread (hlisten)

here is another one., serious. It’s one of my favs too.

Sorry for the double post. In case you’re wondering, both of these are from Mother 3.

I thought it was at least 7 songs??
anyways I have my own version of tetris, my piano teacher helped so I kinda cheated with the bass part,

tim, that iss true, but with all of the new personal threads, I say the limit should go to 10+. also the songs need to be finished and good. youre still using quarter notes for everything (almost).
As for the song, the drums were too overpowering but otherwise its great besides the close quarter notes.

I only had four and I turned out alright.

But not everyone is like me.

that was before the massive outbreak of people who dont give a sh** about reading rules. And plus, your songs were finished and quality so nobody really cared.

I’m sure most of you may recognize this. Drums may be a little off.

Oh yeah, get rid of sheet 7 if you want it to loop nicely

Mother 2/Earthbound : Hotel Theme A catchy quickie.

Good job on that song DarkDan…except now I’m going to have that freakin thing stuck in my head all day at work tomorrow…thanks a lot! lol

O RLY? ?id=29118

Boom… headshot.

that was pretty good kd. I love it

My first try at using Notessimo. I know it’s been done before, but this has a bit more going on in it:
Pokemon Center

Also, now that I’ve figured out how to get sharps and flats, I’m going for something a bit more ambitious: DKC Jungle Japes.

hmm…first song? Not bad at all. I might’ve used a different instrument but aside from that great! Looking forward to Jungle Japes.

Thank you! I mostly was just getting a feel for the app with that one. I’ve used Finale Notepad 2007 before for a few things, and I’ve been playing piano for nearly 15 years now.

Anyways, here’s a preview of what I’ve done so far on Jungle Japes. It’s pretty much only the intro into the main theme. I’m working off of this midi file at, if anyone would like to suggest different instrumentation or anything else. Had to do that 2 measures => 3 measures “transformation” to get the swing feel for this fast part, which I think is working quite nicely (hlisten) .