Vidya Games

Seems like we now have an over-used song in Notessimo. Tbh I loved the panning and the fact that there was only one instrument, but honestly I can’t say much for the song itself. So good job with the instrument choice and use, plus drumming was good, but bad on the song, which was a cover so it can’t really be blamed on you. It’s just over-done.

I hope you enjoy it

If you’re wonder wth was that ending part for. It was the gate that opened up for you to go to the next stage.

@ StarWars. I kind of like it. It not just over-done or a cover in what-so-ever. But he did put well with those instruments. I do have a poor hearing ( I’m deaf) and I can hear the background part he arranged, it’s well put in and nice melodies that flows into this music.

You can tell you’ve made a great song when deaf people can hear the background…gj Octo.

Maybe I’ve misunderstood what you meant to say but If I did well…Sorry if I contradicted you.

ANYWAY… Here the other Tetris song. Theme B on NES and Theme B on GB.

I hope you enjoy it

Nice song.

I shall stalk PupG on songs and do Tetris Theme B now.

And nice job on the cover


oh sorry

What?? Who stalking me??? What did I do?

I liked Pup’s song better, it sounded kinda like a circus.


Well, what do you think we’re here for? :twisted:

No I don’t, your Tetris A theme was fantasmic.

Did anyone noticed the comment he made before till this one same place just changed???

I like your Tetris A theme Octo. but you don’t have to get all that since my tetris B sound like a circus and I just needed that because I don’t know where I can put the clown and a monkey in the staff note :twisted: and I noticed you got more stars rating than mine, Octo. Oh well, yours is better than mine.

:twisted: Your judgement is clouded, Pup. Take a rest.

LOL. Seriously, I do need a rest but It just reality. I have passion to make my own music and re-arranged the existing VG music and have a good time composing music no matter how you suggest it and give opinion about composition of what us people make.
For example you give me criticism about my music and I take that and I make sure if that make you get going and feel the music that fit to the title theme I compose and other people feel the same way and re-criticize my music and let me know it much better then the last one. I give criticism to other but I still give compliment to their work and hope it helps and improve.
In other word. I don’t judge people composition but to give criticism and opinion about the music and don’t take a wrong way but I also give compliment.

sigh Off-tune instruments are a pain to deal with sometimes…

That was very good. The effects were amazing, like some of the stuff at the beginning, and I really liked the ocarinas and percussion. Great calming song! 5/5

Isn’t that where a party quest for newbies where you protect a bunny and collect 10 or 20 rice cakes???
I like this songs and very soothing