Vidya Games

Ok, this one’s done, not too hard to figure out, really, I had trouble with sheet 4 (and 5) trying to make the drums in the first 4 measures sound right, and I ended up improvising them. It’s ok, but it could have been better I guess, well i’m gonna stop talking now, so enjoy.

good job I don’t have the game though

This is one of my favorite video game songs. It’s Corneria from Star Fox. I had done a piano-only version while the Share button was still broken, but this is better. Accurate stereo and everything! :mrgreen:

Interestingly, putting the sound quality on worst for this makes it sound like it’s on the SNES.

Yeah, I couldn’t get the whole thing. :L I swear, after at least 10 Google search pages I found three of the same thing, which wasn’t complete.

Nicely done!

I guess it’s time to post this now or something.

This is “Trilobite Cave” from MARDEK RPG. The beginning is kind of crappy compared to the original, but I think the latter part of sheet 3 and sheet 4 turned out pretty well. Also no “Woo!” drums because Notessimo doesn’t have a good substitute. But chances are you don’t have to worry about this stuff because you’ve probably never even heard the original before. Meh.

So yeah, this isn’t exactly from a video game, but it’s from a Flash game, so close enough. If you have played MARDEK before, then you probably already know how good the soundtrack is. If you have not played MARDEK before, then you should kick yourself in the face and play it right now.

Anyways, I had to use sheet music for some parts of this and I feel like I cheated or something, but then again, I’d probably never have finished it if I hadn’t used it. Whatever. You probably don’t give a crap anyways.

No one cares about that; hell, the only parts of the Star Fox one that I did earlier by ear were the drums and the stereo.

Oh, and nice job using an IP Board smilie on a phpBB forum. :mrgreen:

Yeah, I know. :mrgreen: It’s just my own little personal gripe (hence the “you probably don’t give a crap”), since I never used sheet music for any of my previous songs. Really, the only reason you’d want to do a song completely by ear is for the epeen, or for the challenge, but mostly for the epeen.


Lolwut, a Cave Story song (remix) that sounds a bit like a credits song… (Some repetition ahead!)

Hmm, this sounds familiar!

(this was actually my first test of Noteworthy Composer’s MIDI importer)

EDIT: I composed a song from the arcade version of Paperboy. This, in my opinion, is one of the catchiest game tunes ever. Not quite finished, though. =/


A remix of Super Metroid’s Brinstar, my all-time favorite Metroid song.

To celebrate the release of a very awaited game… (7 years, can you believe that?)

I present the end of an age and the beginning of a dark dawn.

Golden Sun: Fusion Dragon
Golden Sun 2: Doom Dragon

Too much serious bizness music. Needs moar happy.

Remove sheet 0 for infinite repeat.
superstar skyhigh candy mountain dyna blade 4 kirby’s fun pak (Why yes, these are tags.)

That’s very great, 4in1! I wouldn’t have the patience to work that hard on a song.

I haven’t posted anything for a considerable amount of time, so I decided to make something.
It could’ve been better I guess, people generally don’t hang out in battles this long. Part 1 is supposed to repeat forever, part 0 is the initial sighting.

sounds better at 220 bpm

That’s a good song The!

Why’d you leave out the bass? Also, there seem to be two measures missing between 17-23. Compare.

Nice otherwise, though.

I love that game so much. By memory, I don’t remember the melody being so smooth at parts, especially the flute and sax. Also, the violin part seems to have one rhythm being off, that is the last eighth-eighth-whole note being a dottedeighth-sixteenth-whole note (bar 8 of sheet 5). Those toms also seem to come out of nowhere, especially the one in sheet 4. Every time I hear it again brings out a different background part. Rarely have I seen the “Nice” instrument used so much, not to say that’s a bad thing.

tags wut.

also, Kirby seems very happy, right? But have you looked at the boxart for most North American Kirby games (the recent ones more)? They all depict him as ANGREH KIRBY. (link: … -kirby-987)