Oh hey, look, someone left a lengthy review of my song here. Thanks!
You’re referring to measures 3 and 7 of sheets 3, 6, and 8, as compared to the same measures of sheet 1, right? Yeah, those parts are supposed to be a little different.
Uh…you may need to clarify, since I’m not really sure what you’re talking about. o_O I don’t seem to see any of those combinations in that measure…
Aw man, I hated those toms, I really did. They were such a pain to figure out. o_O Percussion really isn’t my forte, haha, so I’m afraid that’s the best I could do.
They were there so people could more easily find the song through search, though I guess that no longer matters now that it’s featured.
Ah, my bad, I forgot about that. Kirby is a badass little puffball, though. :3
So that’s what you’ve been working on…oh, nothing.
The actual song overall sounded awesome!
Right near the entrance of the English Horn, I heard an incorrect note or chord somewhere.
The Piano Slur (I call it slur, you may call it the part where there’s 3 quarter notes mashed near each other) sounded off at first, then got better over time.
Transitions are A+.
As you say you are no good at percussion, the percussion (drum) part sounded fine.
Hey, thanks for the review! (Uh, totally wasn’t neglecting you, hehehe… runs)
I bet the “incorrect chord” is because of how the pianos are so much sharper than the other instruments, and it kind of clashed with the english horn (which is supposed to be a violin in the original x_X) when it first came in. And it doesn’t even help that the original song itself uses a slightly sharp soundset. o_O
Did the piano grace notes really sound so strange? Maybe I got too used to it after listening to it so much, haha. x_X
Lol, I copied the drums directly off of the MIDI. There’s no way I could’ve gotten them myself.
I think the only grace notes that sound weird are the ones at measure 3 on sheets 3, 4 and 5. I’m a little uncertain why, but it could be a combination of any of three minor factors.
They might need to be faster. Maybe 64ths instead of 32nds, but you’d have to double the tempo again to do that.
Shift it a bit earlier so the second note is on the beat.
Move the first note down a whole octave so it travels upwards.
I don’t know if they’re actually deviating from the original (I’m familiar with it, I just can’t tell), but I actually just tried 2 and 3 and it does make them sound alot better.
That’s really nitpicking though, other than that and maybe the overly loud english horn, it’s lovely. Your stuff that I’ve seen has a nice cleanliness to it that I like. I’m especially loving the subtle use of Nice in sheets 3, 4 and 5.
I listened really closely to the original again, and I think I figured out what’s going on. I think the first two grace notes are a bit softer in dynamic, giving it a smoother sound. The next set of grace notes in measure 7, on the other hand, is supposed to have the same dynamic throughout, which I guess is why it didn’t sound weird. : P I made the change, but it’s probably not worth it to reupload… Maybe when Starburst adds actual solo violins?
EDIT: Oh wow, never mind, I was thinking of the wrong grace notes. o_O Yeah, those I think are supposed to be faster, but I didn’t want to remake the entire sheet. x_X
And in response to the “need moar Tohos”, I’m pretty much just about done with U.N.Owen was her?, but I need to find a suitable instrument for the main melody (beginning to 0:18, 0:30 to 0:55). It sounds like you’re good at this kind of stuff, Jolla; do you have any suggestions?
Good choice! I figured a combination of some sort of organ and wind instrument would be best, so I had a play around with the ocarina/flute and rock organ. I also tried adding a very subtle reverb (just listen through all four sheets for the variations). You’ll probably want to tweak the volumes alot if you use these instruments at all, I threw this together quickly and can’t decide whether the organ should be emphasised more or less.
Also is it just me or are all the Touhou songs about half a semitone lower than most of Notessimo’s instruments (aside from the synths)? Annoying when transcribing by ear.
Wow, thanks! That helped a lot! I’ll give this another shot, and hopefully I’ll be able to finish it soon.
And no, it’s not just you. I noticed it too, and it bothered the heck out of me for while! It’s not all songs, though, just the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil ones; I think it’s good from Perfect Cherry Blossom onwards.
Just a quick question, Where do you get the Tohou games? I can’t fin anything on them that is truly helpful. I do have perfect cherry blossom, but only half of it is in english for some reason…