We all need to talk NOW!

From what I’m reading here, there are currently two conflicts going on in Notessimo. The first is the disputes involving YellowTail and the second is the dispute centering Kiroto. I’m going to set the record straight with the latter.

If you have an objection to homosexuality, keep it to yourself. Any hateful comments about someone’s sexual orientation will not be tolerated. After all, it’s still a hateful comment. As such, it will be dealt with with warnings and bans. Got it?

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LOL Im a baaaaad boy. =L

Lol! this is a internet site and its here to make music! NOT TALK! the less talk there is the better this site will be!

yea 2010 all the cool guys were still on and making music, wish I was as “good” at making music back then as I am now…


I am a uncool person and im soooooo offended. =(

No, talking is the whole point of the forums. It depends who’s talking though. But Notessimo would be dead without it.

Yeah, w/o forums, or the PM, we wouldn’t have any collabs, or any friends here.

As I see it, Notessimo is still lucky to be alive and running still. I’ve been here for about 4 years. And I miss the old Notessimo, I miss the old users.

And now we’re here with a bunch of…

I thought you joined 4 months ago.


You’ve been here since February. You don’t even know.


The old Notessimo is the Notessimo that was black and gray. THOSE were good, even if I was quiet.


I remember when there was no forum on the site.

The old old Notessimo was white, according to some people.

Yes, the forums were white at one point.

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I’ve had a account for only Feb. maybe. But I’ve been here without one for 3 to 2 years.

And do you know why I didnt make one until Feb.? Because I was afraid of the people who were on it before. So dont tell me I don’t know.

Right well, okay.

And, I never got to see the white Notessimo, only the black one.

How you could “miss the old users” if you weren’t a member then?

And how could you miss people who you were afraid of?


I highly doubt you were here. What’s the curse of SP then?


I don’t think this thread is needed. If people would just conduct themselves maturely and consider the effects of their posts, then none of these conflicts would happen. In other words, quell your inner keyboard warrior and think before you post. Easy.

Also, the current thread discussion is off-topic, so if you guys think that this thread truly holds importance, then get back on topic.

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