Weird Dreams

i read that as math park…


Ok. Here is the unusually strange dream. One day… The End. lol

I was in a random truck, driving through a big grassy field (yes, I was driving again). Then I made my way back to my house. I went into the kitchen and starting eating cookies. The girl that I like (amanda) was walking around, and then randomly decided to pop into my house, and left, just like that. But she looked different (glasses, blonde hair as opposed to no glasses, brown hair). Then I woke up… in my dream. Yup. I was dreaming in a dream. Wierd isn’t it? Well, after I woke up, I went to my garage to get my bike. I went on an epic bike ride. I was riding around town, then I saw Amanda again. She said, “Come over here.” I said, “Ok. But I have to go to Quick Check first.” I starting rididng my bike towards Quick Check. I was going the completely wrong way, and I was taking forever. Then Amanda’s dad almost tackled me. Out of nowhere, we started playing football in the middle of the street. The ball was thrown to me and I ran to go catch it. I looked to my right and saw this guy sitting in a tree, watching us play. He was wearing a red shirt and went by the name of Rishi. I didn’t get the football and we went to Amanda’s house. We each took showers. When I went to shower, there was this guy with a black mask in the bathroom, watching me shower. When I was actually in the shower, all I saw was white mist/fog type stuff. Then, she brought me up to her room. She was wearing purple pajamas and was just standing there. Her room was the layout of my living room, with pink walls. In my living room, there is a walkway that leads into my kitchen and a walkway that leads into my hallway. The kitchen area in my dream was black. I couldn’t see a thing. The walkway to the hallway was where her door was. I looked around her room, and there was a computer, a chair, and my Guitar Hero controllers. There was no bed though. Then I woke up (for real)

A strange dream, isn’t it?

You can remember your dreams?? …I can only remember bits and pieces of mines

It is said that you can have dreams for over an hour or so and you can have five in one night.

yes, but they are normally only 5 minutes, LOL mine are like 20 minutes sometimes.

Something to think about :

Often dreams seem really quick while you have them…but they last awhile in real life.
If you were to look into a dream from the outside, would it be in slow motion?

This is more weirder.
My dreams show me 5 to 20 second clips of my future.
I saw one of Notessimo last night.

It was basically me making music and there was another instrument. It looked like the top of a screw. When I went over it, it said “Rock Guitar #1.”
Then I woke up.

I love precognition.

Ditto, but mine actually come true within a year, like in fifth grade when we made gingerbread houses

Welcome to my world, bud.

I had a weird dream on how i found this place. it all started a long long time a go …
i was dreaming of dreaming a dream in my dream i was dreaming about dreaming i got up and went downstairs i had a peice of avacato (i dont know why) i got on my computer and clicked on internet, when i did instead of google popping up popped up and then i woke up. so i went downstairs and got a peice of avacato (still dont know why) and got on my computer. same thing happened then i woke up for real and went downstairs, sadly no avacato but i had a peice of pie and got on my computer. google popped up so i typed in the ip shure enough a website came up, so i joined. it freaked me out. (rock)

Awesome dream.
Mmm… Avacato.

i was in my 6th grade classroom, elmo was on tv, a glass bowl full of cheese puffs was in an open filing cabinet and the class was mixing wierd things in a test tube. wierd?

another: I was playing legos with a teacher, my frend was there also.My dad said to clean up because church was about to start… in my room. ???

I had a very weird dream once when I was younger, it started off with me dreaming about being in my bed awake, waking up, looking at my alarm clock where I had my arm hanging over the edge of the bed (which had a railing since I slept on the top bunk in a bunk bed at the time), the alarm clock turning into a mermaid, jumping into my floor, me looking down, my brother eating my arm while saying “look a mermaaaaiiiiiiddddd” and then I realized this was a dream, and I decided to wake up. The weird part is that when I woke up my arm was actually hanging over the edge of my bed, and the alarm clock said the same thing as it did in my dream.

I’ve also had a number of other weird dreams, but I’ll save those for later…

Well… A few weeks ago I’m dreaming about 3-5 times a week the same dream…

I won’t write it because is too sad :_


If I had any weird dreams like that, I don’t remember them. Also, Deja Vu is when your subconscious brain processes something a moment faster than your conscious brain, so that when you make a memory of the Present, it’s already in your Subconscious Mind.