Ye Olde Back To School Thread

WTF!!! After All That…It’s just goodluck!

What else would you want? “Oh yeah, and don’t get yourself killed”? (rock)

That Would Be Helpful! I make big mistakes…I’m 12, but almost went on probation for…

You’re 12 years old. How did you nearly get probation?

Me and My friend…Were talking about a girl…behind her back…It wasn’t me! My friend was talking about her boobs and stuff, but somehow he got me into it too…

Maybe you should talk about that when no one can hear you? 'Least that’s what I do (rock)

I don’t see how you could get probation for that. Stuff like that happens all the time and nobody cares.

The girl he was talking about heard him…and she made a big deal…Plus he gets in trouble all the time.

That’s one thing to be careful about in school lol.

Fishrocker is right everyone! Be safe and stay in school! W00T!

lol schools in essex county. I don’t even know where to begin on how insane this place is, I’m just glad I’m out of elementary school (aka the butthole of the newark education system) and I’m going to high school which I imagine isn’t as insane.

I’m also going into HS.

it’s my junior year… friggin SAT’s and the like

I’m STILL IN JH. God, I’m worried for Grade 8. A bunch of people are just jerks to me.

OMG! Me too…I only have… 1… friend! The Rest Are Douches!

I’ve got like 7ish.
One friend lives like two blocks away from me.
My friend’s freinds are dicks…(A whole 'nother person)

Huh? You use other people to…clean your…AGH! That’s disgusting, man. Hang your head in shame.

What! I said I only have like 1 friend!

Hahahahaha, he wasn’t talking about that fact. He meant the part after it.

8/10 post golfclap