Ye Olde Back To School Thread

Wow. This thread isn’t even a day old and it’s already on Page 4. I didn’t think people liked school so much lol.

EDIT: Nvm. It’s on page 5. I made this post when there were only 4 pages and I didn’t notice that when I posted it would carry over to the next page.


Whoa!! Easy on the posting guys. Don’t let this thread get out of control or one of us may have to lock it.

Oh by the way, wait until you guys get to college, this thread will have a completely different tone (with better grammar too! )

Amen to that (rock)

I’m hitting college soon. Probably 2010 in the spring.


School Just Started Today! Fun, Fun, Fun! Seriously! It’s fun! I could fit myself into my locker!

Whoa! REALLY!..-_-You won’t be saying that soon…

One of my brothers…Really fat friends…Sat on me and called me santa!

Do you happen to be fat, old, and a pedophile?

i started last monday. im a third year and im going to a trade school. 3.5 hrs on a comp for school is pretty fun!


the first week we had to draw.

So…who is enjoying school? I got 4 assignments on the first day. Fun fun.

On the first day? Really? Wow. I didn’t get anything on Day 1 but I started getting stuff on the second day.

And I’m liking school so far this year. There’s a lot more tits and ass in HS than MS (rock)

Believe it or not, that’s not the only reason why I like HS. My school let’s everybody go downtown for lunch. I’m not sure if anybody else is, but I like it (even though I told Ben that there’s nothing great/not great about it lol). And today, I won a free T-Shirt (rock) . I like raffles.

High School was alright for my freshmen and junior years.

Looking forward to college.

I just started High school and I am CERTAIN that


Freshmen Year - I evaded all sacrificial rituals feeding off the suffering of freshmen and became quite familiar with the high school surroundings. [2nd]

Sophomore Year - Influx of newbs buying houses led to overcrowding with the school. Lunch lines that required merely ten minutes to traverse took upwards of thirty minutes to hack through, not counting set backs such as one Lopez and all his cousins cutting the line. Classes were disrupted by self-righteous retards in need of a boost to their ego due to unwarrented self importance. There were fights abound and usually too many rabbid students leaped upon their tabletop just to block your view. [4th]

Junior Year - Half the populace was eliminated due to natural selection (or something along the lines of a new high school). Lunch became managable, good classes were no longer filled by people who skipped them, those standing within two feet of me were audible, and a good three fourths of my schedule was filled with up and coming teachers with interesting teaching methods, to say the least. The other one fourth consisted of teachers whom didn’t believe in homework and were as energetic as the day they began their career. [1st]

Senior Year - Mostly work and little time to goof off on school computers makes Elutherius a bored and sad boy. I had some admirable figures assisting me in my quest for knowledge, though.[3rd]

In other words, I suppose you have lost the game.



Freshmen Year-SUCKED!

Sophomore Year-SUCKED!

Junior Year-SUCKED!

Senior Year-Not quite as bad, because I got out at 10:30 every day…BUT IT STILL SUCKED!!

College-…FUCKIN SUCKS!!!

Moral of story: Stay in school

So you can SUCK.