played through it. Zelda and Ganondorf dont even show up until the end. Very sad/bad/not good story line. Alo, I didnt even pay attention to the music like I did in OoT.
Zelda’s in the beginning, just after you meet midna. I liked the song “Hyrule Field,” in the game, so discount me telling you the music is boring. Anyways I just figured out that this game is turning out for the better, I LOVED fighting the big hog dude on Eldin Bridge (and especially before). It made me nostalgic of SSBB, a game that can out after LoZ:TP .
Here’s Kaepora Gaebora, one of my personal favorites in the Zelda series, just cause it’s so much fun
Sorry again lol. But I just made this and I thought it was a cool remix of Illia’s Theme I hope you enjoy it, too!
I got bored on the final dungeon of TP two years ago… just beat it on the aniversary of quitting the game.
Yeah, game did good on the beggining and end, bu the middle… not so much XD
I disagree. I mean of course, it could use some work, but what game’s plot can’t? At least it completed itself.
Maybe the new Wii Zelda game in progress will be better. It’s supposed to be shown at E3 this year.
really, a new one!?! awesome! post a link pertaining to new stuff or just inform us yourself.
Just look it up
Lol how long have I posted on my own topic? It’s been so long . I was busy making zc quests and stuff. Does anyone have Zelda Spirit Tracks? I’m on the final part. It’s way too hard.

I was busy making zc quests and stuff.
Oh really? that game had like no quests when I tried it a few years ago.

Lol how long have I posted on my own topic? It’s been so long . I was busy making zc quests and stuff. Does anyone have Zelda Spirit Tracks? I’m on the final part. It’s way too hard.
Still on Phantom Hourglass, lol.
Anyone played that “Spirit Tracks”?
It’s got a lot of strange weapons, and deosn’t always make much sense.
How is it Hyrule if hyrule was flooded (explained in wind waker)?
yeah, its explained in wind waker.
The Gods of Hyrule flooded it. its kinda like Noah’s arc… except with a super hero XD
After Ganondorf died, Nintendo really couldn’t find a suitable replacement in the Wind Waker sequels.

After Ganondorf died, Nintendo really couldn’t find a suitable replacement in the Wind Waker sequels.
Wait, ganon’s not in wind waker? I know he’s fat, but that’s not actualy Ganon?
P.S: and just to let you know… he didn’t really die… they locked him away in the twilight realm…
He is in Wind Waker, I was talking about Phantom Hourglass and spirit tracks. Ganondorf supposedly never came back. Ocarina of time came first then wind waker, I have NO idea how Twilight princess fits with the other stories… I don’t know, I suck at twilight princess anyway, honestly. =(

He is in Wind Waker, I was talking about Phantom Hourglass and spirit tracks. Ganondorf supposedly never came back. Ocarina of time came first then wind waker, I have NO idea how Twilight princess fits with the other stories… I don’t know, I suck at twilight princess anyway, honestly. =(
TP and WW are debated on which one is true. There are alternate timelines for the fact that Majora’s mask is debated whether it happened or not. if it happened, then wind waker is a bunch of baloney, and Twilight happens next. If it didn’t happen, then Twilight Princess is a bunch of Baloney and Wind waker happens.
It’s sad that something created by people for entertainment has even the creators baffled on the timeline of the games…