A Day in the Life of StarWars

We’re talking about RPGs now?

You lucky dog, you.

Lol “Stoked” XD

HP=horsepower, durp.

Well … horse-drawn cars are cool too, I suppose.

Sees first post.

-lol funny how that worked out… ya I can imagine how you responded to that, and how the teacher (i think) responded to what you said, but thats funny how it all worked out… BUT you having a way with words (LOL) really helps you, ya know. I mean my teachers commend me every time I write an essay on how good it is… well not every time but I can tell they like me since I really good and fast at writing them.

Sees Mormanism posts

-I myself am Nazerene, and most of what you said I believe in just about 2 differences.
A. No book of Morman (End of Revelation says not to add to this book ( the bible )…PLEASE DON’T FLAME ME FOR THIS SINCE (you said that mormans believe it was God speaking through Joseph, so you can easily counter it anyway lol)
B. We believe Jesus was God incarnate, not that he was a more perfect man, but he was God. But we also kinda share the same thing since we believe he was part man since he had to face temptation in the desert from Satan.

-Ya we probably could argue for days and days about which is right, but we truly don’t know until we get there, plus you said you don’t know all the details, same here… I haven’t gotten to read the nazerene manual (I think thats what they call it) since we havent had another membership class yet. There may be things that we have no idea about that might cause us to hate our religions or the opposite.

Sees where “Zion” is supposed to be


Sees spam


Sees car

-nice care dude

But ya I think its Interesting to learn more about people that you dont live around, so i find this thread very interesting

Yet another religion? We probably have a million different religions in this forum.

I have stopped, you know?

Star where do you live? As in, in a city or something?

If he just put down his other finger, he’d be flicking you off, too.

Yes that’s exactly the color of my car…

Any who I will answer to some of the posts here as I feel obligated, especially Kamarai’s.

I live in Greenville, a medium-sized town that is rapidly growing, it the state of South Carolina.

South Carolina, eh? That’s about 6 to 8 hour drive from where I live.

What else is there about you?

Talk about… Family Tree stuff instead of religion… Like… Where do your ancestors come from? and stuff like that.

And who do you live with?

Wow… Muse is such a stalker… Why would you care who he lives with and where he lives? :twisted:

Anyway, Are you German, French, Spanish, etc… ? Which one?

I don’t care really. And it’s not like I asked for a political location.

Whatever. :twisted:

Are there any exciting adventures you’ve gone on? Lol Stupid Question.

Forget what I said back there about not caring; I do care. You are very fascinating, can’t wait for your next post.

Come on, dude. You’re spamming up this thread, stop it.

Well…Ancestral stuff is part of my religion, because we do “Baptisms for the Dead.” But i won’t go into that, because that’s religious. As far as my own family goes, I can’t really say to much for those who were dead before I was born. Both my dad’s parents are dead, but I did get to become quite close to them before they died, so it was quite a loss for me. My grandmother’s name was Sara Witbeck, but we always called her Yai-yaw (that’s how it’s pronounced, I never learned how to spell it). Don’t ask me what it means or even why I called her that, we just did. My grandfather’s name was Jay Martin Witbeck. Around here in Greenville, I get a LOT of people from my religion telling me that they knew him, because he was a great leader. I always looked up to him, and my dad too. As far as my dad’s other family, he has one brother and two sisters, but we don’t get to visit that often because they are so diversified. My mom’s side is much larger, she has both her parents still alive along with two brothers and three sisters. We last visited them for July 4th, not just for Independence Day but also for my Grandma’s Birthday, which is the same day. Her name is Katrena Seagraves (no I did not misspell it). My mother’s father is named Bob Seagraves. We go to there house in Hendersonville NC for almost every major holiday, because everyone lives near there.

As far as my own family goes, I have a living and loving father and mother, four younger brothers and one adopted baby sister. I won’t go into names here, but speaking of that one interesting thing about us is that only girls in our house go by their first name. I go by my middle one and so does my dad and all of my brothers.

I’ll probably do some research and see if I have one of those really neat ancestors that did something cool, and where my family originated.

  1. I want to know about “Baptisms for the Dead”.

  2. My ancestor was the creator of KFC. Lol

  3. The words you said were happy, but when you wrote it, you put it in a way that seemed kind of sad.

Well for the baptism of the dead, I can kinda understand you doing it so that the person will be cleansed of sin before they are judged and sent to either heaven or hell, since they can’t do it themselves since they are of course dead…and who knows what sin they have that isn’t forgiven. (Thats what I get out of it, but we don’t do anything like that, cause we believe there wouldn’t be any need for that if you have Christ as your Savior)… hope that helps explain it a bit Star.

And wow nice slip! …or is this supposed to be like “The Invention of Lying”

awww… but I like talking about religion with people who are willing to listen to others ideas… cough

Well for the baptism of the dead, I can kinda understand you doing it so that the person will be cleansed of sin before they are judged and sent to either heaven or hell, since they can’t do it themselves since they are of course dead…and who knows what sin they have that isn’t forgiven. (Thats what I get out of it, but we don’t do anything like that, cause we believe there wouldn’t be any need for that if you have Christ as your Savior)… hope that helps explain it a bit Star.

And wow nice slip! …or is this supposed to be like “The Invention of Lying”

awww dang… :twisted:

This place really needs a chat room…

So are we going to have another insight to “A Day in the Life of StarWars”? (sounds like this is going to be an autobiography) (ROAST PARODY OF THIS! NAO)

Holy Crap, He’s not Lying. Slips name is Ty Sanders, just in case you didn’t know.