A Day in the Life of StarWars

Is that just when you’re talking among yourselves? Do other people do it?

Wow that’s nice.

And for the baptism of the dead thingie, do you actually do it to the dead body?

So… If you go to a Baptist Church, you get baptized? This stuff is confusing.

A card, really?

What ceremonies/festivals do you have?

Do you celebrate that “Day of the Dead” thing that the Mexicans celebrate? Sorry, forgot what it’s called in “Espanol”.

Only if you ask to. The idea behind it in a baptist church is to have been saved and then to get baptized to show your public confession of faith.

But my dad got baptized(I don’t go to church, he did when he was a kid) and he is now like… 54.

He mustn’t have got baptized before.

Don’t most people celebrate Christmas?

Let’s not go there. That stuff is guaranteed to spark a ragefest.

Unacceptable. I will NOT let a rage-fest take place in a thread dedicated to myself. The rest of this post will be myself expressing my anger at myself for letting this thread turn in this direction.


I’m done with my rage.

Did I miss something? :twisted:

And star you really shouldn’t be making those noises. :confused:

Unk made a really sorta…

And I think Heartasword deleted it. Srsly Heart change your name back please. I kind miss the old one.

We should do a religion poll or something.

NO. This is one of the signs of the Notessipocalypse.

What?! It’s just people saying what religion they are. I hardly know anyone’s religion here, and once I know it would be less easy to accidentally offend someone.

Souls will be crushed. meaning mine.

Do you do that organ thingy in church? lol