Guitar Hero

Here is a guy getting 100% on expert on TTFAF in GH III. Don’t know if it’s real or not, but it seems to be the realest out of all the others.
Through the Fire and Flames TTFAF FC 100% 987,786

WARNING: That is a YouTube video.

That video is true. I saw it before at my friend’s place. This is either iamchris4life or baseballkid7 IIRC.

same here. I tried countless times and now I can do the intro perfectly (I take my big toe from my left foot and place it on the green button, use my left hand to fret, and my right hand to strum) but if I fail, it’s during the solo.

Ooo…fishrocker is sneaking past his parents!
Yes, it is iamchris4life.

I’m telling on him!

That guy has the world record for Best guitar hero player.

Anyways I found out rockband 2 instruments are compatible with guitar hero world tour so now I’m going to get it.

any one here have world tour

I have it for the Wii.

My dad’s girlfriend’s son has it. We play it when we’re at their house sometimes. I want my own, though.

I have it for ps2

I hate Guitar Hero. I hate Guitar Hero. I hate Guitar Hero. I’m tired of hearing every person over 30 years of age I know go “Hey, this game is great! Adults play it too!”, while failing to acknowledge that I, who am nearly 20 years of age, play many different types of video games in a very avid manner. I am not considered an adult, so “adults” come up to me and tell me to “try this cool game”, even when I’m in the middle of a different one. I’m tired of hearing them treat it like it is the greatest thing to happen to video gaming in the history of anything ever. I’m tired of hearing people say “this game is a ripoff of gitar hero” to every single rhythm game they see. I hate it when people who can play a song at a high difficulty act like a real rocker and treat everyone who can’t play that song like dirt. It’s a rhythm game. It’s fun for a while, but it’s not the second coming of Jesus. It’s not a way for parents to automatically be considered cool to their children. It’s just a game, but everyone I see treats it like some sort of religion.

Short Version: Guitar Hero =/= Jesus

I completely agree

I kinda feel the same way. Sure it’s fun, and I may spend hours on end ‘jamming’, but it isn’t the best thing in the world. It did convince me to learn to play real guitar though. 8-) And I’m getting quite good at it too.

It’s nice to see that other people have a realistic point of view as well. I’m not going to lie and say I hate Guitar Hero, or even dislike it at all. Of course, saying that it’s the best game ever (or even close) is exaggerating to the point of insanity. It has no plot and replay value only the point of improving your scores (possibly multiplayer if you like that). It’s essentially a gimmick, just like most other rhythm games. On the other hand, it is one of the better rhythm games out there, up there with DDR and Rock Band. However, NO rhythm game will ever compare to a game with an in-depth storyline, great graphics, involving gameplay, etc. Anyone who can honestly say that Guitar Hero is their favorite game ever has never played a good game with actual plot.

Yeah! and everyone knows that the best game ever is pong! Jeeze!!!

its filled with suspense. Who’s gonna score to win the game? GOAL!!!

I’m gonna have to disagree. Guitar Hero’s plot is about as new and riveting as the RPGs Square Enix has been churning out of late (keep drilling that “itinerant group of rogues v. almighty corporation/empire,” amirite?) . Also, I learned everything I know about music from the first and second installment. In fact, I wrote a ballad in Orange flat minor but transposing it to Notessimo just wouldn’t do it justice. And hey, at least it ain’t WOW.

About what Skycakes was saying, I think that if you really want to look cool in front of people, learn to play a real guitar! I am more impressed by people who play guitar than those who press 5 buttons and think they are todo poderoso. <-(sorry, I have spanish class stuck in my head)

That’s kinda what I came up with for myself, after playing the game for awhile. I even play bass and drums too

God the music studio annoys me. I make a crazy thing that is offbeat but when I make it on beat I just cant get it right. Also I figured out if you hold the guitar up you can get higher pitched notes.