
Yo momma so fat when she stepped out on the road, i tried to drive around her, but i ran out of gas.
Yo momma so fat naruto couldn’t believe it.
Yo momma so fat when she bungee jumps she brings down the bridge too.

I have a few music jokes.

Q:How are Ginger Baker and coffee alike?
A:They both suck without Cream.

Q:How do you know a stage is level?
A:The drummer is drooling out of both sides of his mouth.

Q:What’s the difference between a dead skunk in the middle of the road and a dead trombonist in the middle of the road?
A:The skunk might have been going to a gig.

Q:What’s the difference between a lead guitarist and a large pizza?
A:A large pizza can feed a family of four.

I’m pretty sure I can dig up a few more. Give me a few days.

I take offence to that! lol

I’ve told that to guitar players. Even they find it funny, and because of that, I find the joke funnier. It’s a vicious cycle, but amazingly fun to be caught in.

hahahaha (drummers, please don’t kill me for laughing at that).

nice one…

doesnt get drummer joke

Haha, I found it funny too. I was kidding with the whole being offended thing.

Got some more music jokes.

Q:How do you get two piccolo players to play in unison?
A:Shoot one of them.

Q:Why did God give drummers a half-ounce more brains than horses?
A:So they don’t poop in the road during parades.

Q:What’s the difference between an accordian and an onion?
A:No one cries when you chop up an accordian.

Q:What’s the difference between an accordian player and a terrorist?
A:Terrorists have sympathizers.

Q:How do you get one million dollars singing folk music?
A:Start with two million.

Q:What do you get when you play New Age music backwards?
A:New Age music.

I lol’d at the folk music joke

Those are pretty good! (hlisten)

Here’s a crappy mom joke: Your mom is like a shotgun, one cock and she blows.

I have some jokes :roll:

Heres a Hillary one

A guy dies and goes to heaven.
He looks around and sees clocks.
He asks St. Peter “What are all these clocks for?”
He replies “OH, those are lie clocks, everytime you lie the hands move.”
“Whose is that?”
“Mother Teresa’s. Its never moved.”
“How about that one?”
“Oh, thats Abe Lincoln’s. Its moved a bit.”
The man thinks awhile and asks.
“What about Hillary Clinton’s clock?”
“Oh that ones in Jesus’ office.”

“He’s using it as a ceiling fan.”


Joke #2

There is an airplane.
Onboard is the President, the world’s smartest man, the world’s smatest woman, a grandpa & his grandson, and of course the pilot. There is 5 parachutesl
The engines blow up.
The pilot leaves with one of the parachutes.
4 left.
Next the President.
3 parachutes.
Smatest man and woman are next to jump.
Now all thats left is the grandpa and his grandson.
The grandpa tells him to leave because he has lived a good long life.
“But grandpa, were both going to live!”
“The smart woman took my backpack.”

Nowadays switch the President and smartest woman.

My joke is this


That is all

I have one.

Rule 30

Yeah!!! Unless your thinking of GB, then nevermind…

This thread is just WAITING to erupt into a giant argument.

no Obama silly…

Roast I hope this post doesn’t start one…

Wait a sec, I need to get some popcorn.

LOL can I have some??