Minecraft 1.7.banana

Work in progress:


Amazing! I love the floor. The blue wool also looks like water which is cool. What are you making?

The plan is to make a gigantic cravis sort of canyon with water at the bottom. At one end of the canyon there will be a huge waterfall. At the other end the canyon will split into two thus making the entire canyon form sort of a “Y” shape. In the middle of that Y i will place the project seen in the picture above. It’s a sort of hangar for airships to land in, and I’m planing to make it part of a huge castle surrounded by snowy mountains. It’s going to take forever to make, but im hoping to one day have it done:P

Wow, I can’t wait to see it!

And here is the new addition seen from another angle:


OMG thats awesome, Hellstick!!!

Can you even build Keyboards with Minecraft?

Hello, It’s the Apocoloptogon here, and I wanted to share my Minecraft houses with you.
I would also like if you could show some of your Minecraft creations.

Here is a my world save of my current house, and maybe home to other houses:

If you just want to see pictures of my houses you can see it here:

Also if you want the texture pack I’m using you can get it Here:


I really love this style, well done! The texture pack is really the icing on the cake, I’ll have to check it out

We have a topic for Minecraft already, do you mind if I merge this into it?

Sure, that’s fine with me.

Hellstick, curse you and your amazing building capabilities!
But seriously, that’s really good. I suck at building in minecraft, I wish I had an eigth of that skill.

I was searching “Best Minecraft Creations” in google images. and I found this:

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Here are my houses in my Building World:

Also here is the world save: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?b54k37zy1sd2sb7

Here’s another pic:

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This is me and one of my friends on my other friend’s server about to finish blowing up the cops and robbers map: before and after (He doesn’t know yet). We made all of this by hand and it’s not the full amount of TNT we used, but it’s the most we’ve done on a section of the map:

Click to expand

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Wow, triple post.

Anyways, my brother downloaded a Gensokyo map. Video for the map that someone posted:

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Sorry, those were uploaded like a month apart from each other. Is that still counted as a triple post?
Anyway, this is a cool looking minecraft castle I found searching on google.

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It’s still counted as a double post. The first 2 posts were two minutes apart. The 3rd one doesn’t count because it was a little over a month later.

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I dont play minecraft.


Well you should.

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