Do you want to see a song on Notessimo 2, but find yourself unable to do it yourself?
Submit your request here, and our crack team of musicians will start immediately… if they feel like it. Please include artist for lesser-known pieces.
Since I don’t have time, skill or motivation to compose anything right now, I would like to request that you make a song for me.
Suprise its from Final Fantasy!
If you could make the song that playes during the fight against Ultros in the opera house, it was named Grande Finale if my memory serves me right.
I’ll look forward to it.
No one else wants anything done?
Well then i’ll request another one.
Laguna battle theme from FF8, The man with the machine gun, was the name of the song if i remember right.
It would be nice If you could do it.
Actually I’m doing one song from SMRPG at the moment. I’ll post it when/if I get it done
How’s this sound? Would you like me to change the bass clarinet/synth combo to something else? They’re close (close enough for me), but I’m sure there is another combination that would be closer.
**Yes, the vibraphone fits well, and it was C5 and B4. Look for the finished product soon!
the bass clarinet sounds a bit wierd. I would vibraphone with eighth notes or some other precussion instrument instead.
The synth is exellent but could be louder or then I just can’t hear it well enough.
The two last synth notes of every other measure should be C5 and B4 if i hear them right.
Hope you can finish it!
If the BBCode supported strikethrough text I would need to do it this way, but in lieu of that, I’m italicizing completed requests, leaving accepted–but uncompleted–requests with normal text, and putting requests yet to be accepted in bold.