Techno Thread

These two were before my time here on Notessimo. Was it exhilarating seeing perhaps the first Notessimo flame war first hand?

Gah I wish I had joined this site when i first found out about it, I would’ve had a much more interesting time.

When did you first find out about it Star?

Hmm…I first learned about notessimo 2 from Kongregate, around…6 months before I actually joined. I had originally wanted to hone my skills and become the greatest song-writer on here (like every new-person), so I practiced. It’s only after I first posted that I realized how far-fetched that was. If I had joined instantly, I may have became better, quicker.

Yeah my first six months were learning about copy pasta, sheets, layers and other stuff. Starburst should really make instructions so we don’t have to accidentally click on a button to see its use.

Anyone remember the Yoshi/Tyberious213 thing?

It either happened before I got here, or I just didn’t pay any mind to it, tough I did look at it a bit.

That was balls-to-the-wall awesome. 5/5

Very nice! :slight_smile:


Click to check my techno song (The ZZZZZ Song) : ?id=46969

Oh wow I like this guy a lot so far. DON’T SCREW UP, KEEP MAKING GOOD SONGS.

Mmm… Yes, Quite.

I found the song’s id very entertaining and especially worthy of praise. Great work.

That was great. Yet it has <4.0 rating. Wtf notessimo, fix this.


My first original comp, hoping it’ll get some views here.

sorin, that was pretty good.

Awesome, a bit short, but atleast you didn’t repeat the same repetitive sheet over and over like most people instead of leaving it as a loop.

\m/ @ sheet 44

but don’t you know?!? moar measures = better song!