Techno Thread

Thanks, this was 2 years ago, i know some of those guitar chords are off, but i think this was pretty original and i’m glad i got good feedback after all my hard work =)


BOOM! Comments and critique in my thread please

This is a steaming shit meant for you to eat. Enjoy!




-listens again-

4.999/5 sorry

-listens again-


Brilliant song, Unk. 5/5

5/5 unk and museline did you get the pm?

That one? Was I meant to continue on the song?

wait no um its 8:00 am here so I forgot the past 3 days

To sum up this song, to me you took everything I think is a good idea and somehow messed it up:

  • First and foremost, I love arpeggios. But not as the main melody.
  • I love simplistic drumming, but yours was too simple and just droned on and on without a cymbal or fill.
  • I love taking everything out and building it back up into something new, but the introduction of the synth didn’t sound right.
  • I love slowing down the ending, but the final notes (ahem, note) wasn’t even interesting in the least.

The thing that really ruined it was the drumming. As I said, I like a simple beat, but it’s a techno song. They are supposed to have odd drum beats. Your beat was more suiting to a heavier techno, and the high-hat was both over-powering and off-beat somehow.

Still, I did like the song as a chip-tune, so I decided to give it a second listen on the worst quality setting. The reason the drums sound so much better here is that the high-hat is so much more subdued. Even the solo sounded better. But you know, I don’t want to listen to it on those settings, it feels like I’m settling for less than I deserve, even if by doing so I get a better experience.

3/5, and I thought that sheet 17 was a real treat.

harsh much? :twisted:

Starwars has fallen under the false illusion that 3 is good or even “Okay”. Starwars, I actually liked it better before you started making Reviews. Your breaking everyone’s pride. /harsh truth

Look’s at new, completed song.

-one minute later for thinking about it-

Look’s at empty, untitled song.

but to be honest, I really didn’t like that song too well either.

I am seriously tired of all this butthurt. He’s trying to be helpful. The manner in which his advice is given is completely irrelevant.

This comment takes good words and totally kills them

  • use of quotes can be good but not with underlines
  • “butthurt” is not a word if you use it at least put a hyphen “butt-hurt”
  • your font is OK for some words but it didn’t work in this post
  • the ending was really boring needs more passion

the thing that really ruined it was the spelling. it would have been OK with a hyphen, but is more suited to Runescape chats. Notessimo is supposed to use real words and “butthurt” was overpowering and off-beat somehow

still I did like the second sentence so I decided to try reading it again on “cryptic sans” I feel the reason it sounded better is that I couldn’t read it as well. even butthurt sounded better. But you know I don’t want to read it in that font, I fell I’m getting less than I deserve even if by doing so I get a better experience.

3/5, sentence 2 was a real treat though

We’re taking smartass to a whole 'nother level.

I was going to call him out on that, but I’m pretty much done with backseat modding.

Post of the week.

I nominate myself for elevation to smart-ass tier

He could do something like this:

5 = 5
4.5 = 4.8
4 = 4.6
3.5 = 4.4
3 = 4.2
2.5 = 4

To make everyone happy.

No I was fair.

Well good because pride is a terrible thing.

A 3/5 is slightly under average, maybe even mediocre. What you need to realize is that I can’t be a real critic and rate everything that is posted a 5 or even a 4. Every once in a while a higher class composer will come out with a bad song, and unless someone tells them it’s bad, they’re going to go on thinking: “Well I didn’t put as much effort into it and still got a ton of 5/5s, maybe I should do it again.”

I have been making reviews since I came here, it’s just now that everyone has been paying attention to them. And not because they have grown in length, but because there has been a strange amount of finished songs by revered song writers all at one time. And there are few done by lower-tier people (except Octo, and I did give him a review as well). I can’t help that. Nor will I be sorry for giving a bad review. The song was bad, that’s my opinion of it.

And did Ixsetf just critique my critique?!?!?!?! I second that nomination.