Techno Thread

here’s what each rating means

1/5 for those who compose a song just to annoy people or if it is obvious it is just random notes

2/5 a song that attempts melody and harmony but fundamentally misses a concept or some factor made the song sound like nails on a chalkboard

3/5 for when someone in the lower tier makes a good song but that has too many of he common problems to be enjoyed(extremely repetitive, poor use of instruments or too many dissonant chords)

4/5 a song in the upper tier that is missing a few of the features of a 5 star song(repetitive, uses an annoying instrument, chorus not well structured, intro too long, ect.)

5/5 a song that you would want to listen to and would buy for a buck on iTunes

There’s too much of a big gap between 4/5 and 5/5. There are like 3 5/5 songs on notessimo by that scale and hundreds of 4/5’s.


i wouldn’t say that, it would be if I said 5/5 used only high metal guitar and 1/5 is something that dosen’t have a pictosong layer

also roast I would buy many of these songs for a buck but you are right it is a bit high for that

5/5 no major flaws can be either mildly repetitive has an annoying part that lasts a few secs or be slightly random

I second that second.

That was a decent try, but the only problem I see is that it makes it that a high-tier user automatically makes a four just for trying to make a song. And the reasons for losing a point and losing two points are one and the same.

Personally, I hope no one ever reviews a song that receives a rating of less than three. The only time that is applicable is when a song is made by a god-tier person and it just absolutely sucks. And a song that is only worth a 1/5 is going to be ignored anyway, so why bother?

As the “Official United Notessimaestros Notessimo Critic” here is my scale of the rating system:

3/5 Not worth reviewing or even commenting on. Just forget you heard it and move on. Note that most songs in the first songs thread are in this criteria.

3/5 Only reviewable if the user has received numerous 5/5 ratings for a regular or worse song.

3.5/5 This will be the meterstick. If a song has a better rating at all, it has a few qualities that make it better than a regular song.

4/5 Not incredible but worth the listen. These songs are wanting for just one or a few more aspects to push up the rating.

4.5/5 This rating is for the song that is almost perfect. IMO this should be the highest rating anyone should strive for. Every song has problems, therefore there will never be a real 5/5 song.

4.8/5 The highest rating I will ever give a song. Even if I think a song is perfect, I will rate it 4.8, because there are bound to be flaws the I missed.

5/5 The song is perfect and needs no further review. However it will not suffice to just say “This song is perfect, 5/5,” because everyone does that now. You have to back it up with a few sentences.

Personally I don’t know why all you people can’t do a review like me. Just type 4 sentences and WHAM. You’re done. Sure, I give huge reviews, but that’s because I love to write in these things. But let me tell you, a single review is worth more than a thousand “that was a great song” sentences.

ixsetf, what happened to you?

You’re getting to me like Jhoan ;_;

Actually I like how someone other than me is posting longer posts.

And you’re the one who posted this:

so you’re not in a position to say whose trolling and who isn’t.

We should all probably follow Star’s guide to make the ratings uniform.

Well that’s because when I don’t know how to describe a song; if I were to write four sentences it would just end up with me searching through a thesaurus for more words to use.

Disagreement =/= trolling

I’m talking about all reviews. You gave circus express a 3.5 and then said you liked it. You even said it was great. It Just doesn’t add up.

Over three pages of off-topicness?! What happened to using the train-picture after a few off-topic posts?

This is what happens if you don’t like someone’s opinion XD

He didn’t say Circus express was bad! he said it was great! AND THEN HE GAVE IT A 3.5. yay for caps.

Here’s some help, since apparently you don’t get what Octo said.

A review is my opinion. That’s one person. I gave it a 3.5 review. That doesn’t mean I’m just going to start talking trash about a perfectly good song. It’s probably the most revered techno piece on Notessimo!

The song was 3.5 IMO.
The song was great in reality.

If that doesn’t clear things up then I don’t know what will.

I think songs should be reviewed based on reality

It doesn’t. Is it your opinion that it is bad:

or good?

Unless you’re saying your rating doesn’t reflect how good you think it is…


C’mon, guys. Ratings are subjective. There isn’t any reason to argue about this stuff.

@gs: According to Star’s rating system, 3.5/5 is good. There you go.

this comment is a 3.5 IMO but is super awesome in reality

If u think about it 3.5/5 is 7/10 or 70% awesome which is well above average seeing as average would be 2.5/5

~I’m with star on this one people rate far too high, i think anything rated : 0.1-1 = a disgrace to notessimo 1-2 = okay but not exactly complete or smooth 2-3 = average 3-4 = good 4-4.5 = amazing 4.5-4.999 OMG THATS AMAZINGLY AWESOME!!! and 5 being the impossible to reach god like status … which no song in known existance is able to reach