Techno Thread

Star, don’t listen to the whiners, keep being awesome.


Considering the only one who is whining doesn’t make music… I need to learn how to make music

and thanks Anthony for explaining it.

This is 3/5 worthy cuz of repetition and all, but you’ll never guess what this song’s for:

You are officially: FUCKING AWESOME


Hehe if your Mom’s birthday was yesterday, the me and her share a birthday!

Anywho you did post that song on my birthday, so I guess it counts as inadvertently wishing me a Happy Birthday as well, so if that’s the case, then thanks! Although I can’t be your mom. Too many conflicting issues.

not much 2 say on this, took me about 3-5 days. first in a trilogy, and yes the 2nd is planned to continue where the 1st left off

if its a continuation, why dont you make it 1 song?

Green Synth <3 = 5/5

Well unless the sequels are going to be more or less the same I don’t mind you splitting it up.

On the song however, I usually think music sounds better in a minor key and I’m not sure you had yours in one. Also it seems a little short too, also maybe a little repetitive (or bland).

Great song! I agree with Fire, you’ve blended in the green synth really nice. I was a bit “iffy” on some parts but I loved the ending.

Amazing Horse



That sounds really good Fire! :smiley:

I reckon this goes here. : T

I really liked the first sheet! :smiley:

Aight, i didnt actually plan to post this before it was finished, but my computer messed up yesterday and magically deleted the track. So when it somehow undeleted itself when i woke up this morning i thought i might as well upload it to the archives and get some feedback here while im at it…
I went for a Goa/Psychedelic feel and think its decent so far:P Also please do not mind the last few bars. They’re just some random melodies n stuff that i might use in the track later, but they dont fit in all that well as of now:P

That was really good, Hellstick! I love the volume effects you did.

Thansk alot Muselline:P

I just finished a side project i thought i’d share… My goal was to recreate this track:


Here is the result, you be the judge:)

I know by now that alot of you will hate the parts with the 4 on the floor kick, and that the transition between bar 10 and bar 11 is a little sudden, but thats how the track goes and it was hard to find some sounds that were more suitibleXD

You covered that great! Good song