The "My pineapple!" game

I spit acid in everyones’ eyes (even my own), so now everyone is blind for a small moment.

I blindly sprint towards my poseesions, while I run, I accidently knee Blargzargo’s crotch, he screams like a girl and I steal the…

P_I_N_E_A_P_P_L_E! (_ _*)

Now knowing where you are, I trip you with my arms and blindly reach for the pineapple. Too bad I ran blindly into the busy traffic.

I have the pineapple!

C’mon! be creative!

you don’t see me take the pineapple because your having so much fun!

I am Jeve Stobs, the owner of a new company that’s called ‘PineApple’. I’m now the only one who’s officially allowed to have pineapples.

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I sue the PineApple company for plagiarism from Apple and for violation against ownership rights. A court session occurs and the judge declares the defendant guilty. I freely take a pineapple without worry.

You left the pineapple at the court, YOINK!

OBJECTION! There never was a pineapple in the court. Yoink.

I steal it from wherever it was and ride away on a unicycle.

I use telekeneesis to dismantle your unicycle and I steal the pineapple.

I trip you causing you to drop the pineapple. I do not pick it up however because it is actually fecal matter pineapple and only half the original pineapple. I do however put a cage around the fecal pineapple.

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I spray you with a hose, You fly off into space, the water from the hose washes off the fecal matter and I take the pineapple!

I use my pineapple flute. The pineapple hears it and comes to me.

I use my pineapple call to make one fall from the sky. YOINK!

I kill you and steal the pineapple…

i use the force.

i have the pineapple.

‘wow that was easy,’ i say.

I turn the pinapple and myself invisible and run away with it

i say, where’d it go?

i see your shadow. i chase after you, i trip you.

the pineapple hits me in the head and i make it visible. the wind carries it out of my hands into…

… a tub of melted chocolate. I dive in valiantly and save the pineapple.

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