The "My pineapple!" game

As you race to the Empire State Building, I come up from behind in my Ford GT and slash you in the head with a grappling hook. I pull you out, jump into the cargo area and climb in the driver’s seat of the truck, heading for the Empire State Building.

Than i have to chase you with your Ford GT, with my hair quite wild, and we almost got to the Empire State Building, or a Band is playing with the Pineapple on his Fender Stratocaster 1961.

^ Er, what?

I ambush the band with the pineapple and fly off in a rocket to Planet X.


The pineapple falls out, burns in the atmosphere & falls in the refridgerator. (brand: FRIAC)

when nobody is looking, i take the pineapple from the fridge.with a mask on, i spray liquid that smells like a skunk, put a sign saying “FREE” and wait for someone to come near.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world, I buy a pineapple from the local PineApple Store.

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As well as I am, (Yet I’m buying the exclusive platinum Pineapple)

Well, i regenerated the bike & the house, steal a Ferrari F40 & take a pineapple from that store too!

That makes no sense whatsoever so technically you never HAD the pineapple…

steals Aliens’ time out chair i run with the pineapple in my Ford Focus 1st generation.

I throw a semtex grenade onto your car as you pass by, taking a second to look awesome. I walk away in slow-motion as the car explodes, sending the pineapple flying into the sky. It falls back down and I catch it as I continue to walk in slow-motion.

I run over you in the car from Death Proof. I take the pineapple from your hands, get back in the car, and drive off to Litwak’s to pawn it off to some kid for his arcade money.

Luckily i jumped out of my car!

Ace, i like your semtex grenades.

I take the pineapple again and throw in the washing machine.

i jump into the washing machine and wait…hoping to jump out at someone trying to get it.

I send an army of robots to get the other pineapple while I walk into the arcade. I successfully pawn the pineapple I have off to some guy in the corner of the room for $50.

That guy happened to be my uncle’s friend’s niece’s ex-boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend’s cousin’s father. We’re real close, so he gives me the pineapple.

I don’t care; I got $50 dollars!

The robots attack you and destroy the building you’re in in an attempt to get the pineapple.

I send monkeys to retrieve the pineapple, they are coming for you.

I play a song on my magic flute that the monkeys like, so they give me the pineapple instead.

(I never had the pineapple anyway… I just sent monkeys.)

But I teleport to the location to where you are and use my boomerang to snatch the pineapple out of your hands.